never again

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The early sun shined through my windows, waking me up, much more peacefully than usual. I wondered where he was, since for the last couple of months you woke up to him staring at you.

Getting up, you scanned your closet picking out a cute pair of sweatpants and a matching top. The whole time you got ready, there were no noises ringing through the house, not even a peep. Cracking open your door, you peeked out, finding no one. You opened the door and walked out, heading towards the stairs before flashes of last night came to mind. You spun around and saw that the door at the end of the hall was closed. Curious, you walked down there and wiggled the doorknob, locked. Having your interest killed, you returned to your original task of going downstairs. 

Rounding the corner into the kitchen, you saw Kuroo sitting at the bar drinking coffee. "Morning sunshine" he said. "morning" you replied "where is everyone, it's scary quiet". "Running errands, don't worry about it" he said. you nodded and proceeded about your day, cleaning up, playing Just Dance, while Kuroo watched and laughed, and playing around with the cats in the garden. 

About lunch time Kenma came home. You were sitting on the couch when he pulled up. You raced to the door, do a little happy dance because he was home. You watched him get out of the driver seat, which sparked curiosity because Kenma never drove, no matter what. When he opened the door you ran over to him, holding your arms out for a hug. He paused seeing you approach him, before setting his stuff down and hugging you. His hesitation didn't catch your attention so you embraced him in a hug. 

He hugged you back and ushered you inside, following. 

"kenma can we go get lunch? I was thinking-" kenma cut you off, looking at his phone. "Not right now" the way he cut you off, seeming to be annoyed with you was upsetting. "well we can make it quit and just grab sushi or-" you pulled on his arm. He shook you off, "I said not now" his voice was stern and commanding. It felt almost like a slap in the face. He had been becoming more distant towards you lately, he never really spent time with you anymore, followed by the usual excuse that he "had work" or "has work to do". Giving up, you asked kuroo to take you. He agreed. 

When you and Kuroo got back from lunch, you saw kenma in his office, as per usual. Before going inside, you looked around to see if anyone was watching that could stop you, you knew you weren't allowed in kenma's office without permission from him. Scurrying across the hall, you gently opened the door and leaned on the door frame. He glanced up at you, "kitten you know the rules" he said, continuing to work on the papers on his desk. "I know but I wanted-" you paused, watching him work. You weren't quite sure if he was laser focused or just not listening. You walked closer to his desk, your voice smoother than velvet "kenma, you know the rules don't you? look at me when I speak to you" Now the outside was totally badass boss babe but on the inside you were screaming because you usually don't do that type of stuff. 

Upon hearing your sentence, he glanced up with an incredulous look on his face. He lays back in his chair and puts his hands on the back of his head. "well then kitten, you have my undivided attention." he gave you a flirty smirk, waiting for your response. You immediately became shy from his gesture "well, h-have, you haven't been spending time with me!" you yelled trying to get it out. "kitten I told you its been because of work" he replied. "that's not an excuse!" you said becoming louder. "you still have to make time for me. Do your work later!" you were not taking no for an answer this time. "fine, fine, quiet down. we can go out for dinner tonight, alright?" you nodded "ill be ready at six" and walked out. He grinned at your silly behavior. 

You walked down the stairs at 6:00 on the dot to be met by a sharply dressed Kenma. "you ready?" he asked. "yes I am" you replied, grinning, the thought of finally getting to spend time with him again got you excited. You were wearing a short, red, ruched dress with black lace up heels. He was wearing a matte black suit with red accents. "you look beautiful y/n" Hearing him use your name instead of kitten sent goosebumps running down your spine. "thank you" you grabbed his arm and walked out the door. 

Dinner was nice, well at least the food was. Kenma took you to this beautiful restaurant, like he usually did and bought wine for the both of you along with whatever food you wanted.  He was short in conversations for the most part and didn't seem very interested in the conversations. At this point you were very agitated because you expected tonight to be the breakthrough. He paid for the meal and you left.

In the car, you decided that you were don't tiptoeing around it. "kenma, is there something wrong?" you asked. "No, why would there be?" he responded, staring at his phone. You pushed his phone down to his lap trying to get his attention. "then why have you been acting weird lately" he glances up at you "what are you talking about? I haven't been acting different" his denial upset you and anger started to form. "kenma, yes you have, you are barely at home anymore, and when you are home you stay stowed away in your office for hours on end. I'm getting tired of it." the car pulled into the driveway and he pulls you inside. 

"honestly I don't know what you want from me, I buy you what you want, I bring you flowers, I let you live in my house, you have everything you could ever want!" he said. "I never said I didn't appreciate that, yes, you buy my things but you lay them on my bed so I don't get the memories of shopping with you, and yes, you buy me flowers but you fail to mention that Kuroo is the one who hands them to me because you aren't here. Yes, you let me live here in this big ass house, but I am the only one who is ever in it and you won't even tell me why! All of it is great but I want you, I want you to talk to me."

he's always struggled with communication and you knew that but at this point you weren't sure what to do, you had tried all the tricks you knew and none of them seemed to work. His emotions remained neutral yet confused. "JUST COMMUNICATE WITH ME! how is it so hard to just tell me how you feel or even why I never see you, because your 'I have work' excuse is getting very old." he furrows his brows, his voice becoming more aggressive. "When I tell you I have work, I mean that I have bloody work y/n!" he snapped back. "I don't understand you sometimes, kenma. we are partners, we are supposed to support, help, encourage, and most importantly love each other." you said, trying to appeal to him. "well I don't y/n" he said, his face blank with little to no emotion.

His words cut through you like sharp knives.
"you what?" you asked, the hurt you felt portrayed in your voice. "i said I don't love you and i never did, so forget it" his tone was harsh, and unforgiving. It was over just as quickly as it had started. "f-fine then-" you said, tears falling down your face. You grabbed your purse, keys, and anything else valuable to you and left, slamming the door behind you. You barely made it out of the door before you broke down in tears. As quickly as possible you cranked your car and left. "Fuck" he mumbled.

Next chapter is called rebound :) sorry about the wait guysss

30 minutes (kenma x reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon