Mother figure

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Y/N pov.:

We (both of my sisters and me) decided that we would search for a mother figure because Steve and Bucky are really great dads but we have the feeling that we just need someone female too, I don't even know why. I feel bad for both of them that we need this. What if they will hate us for that? Wait, if something like this will happen Steve will only hate me, not my perfect sisters.
Anyway as always they stick together and make plans how they gonna tell Wanda but not just that they forgot me again but I was never so good with anyone in the team or Pepper. I'm only really good with Bucky and because he understands my fears and everything he tries in a kind way that I come in contact with a few of them, without pressure.
Again, anyway, I don't think that I will find someone who would say yes if I would ask them so I guess I just give up with that plan.

"Y/N, honey." I got pulled out by the voice of my Папа (Bucky). "Are you ok?" He asks concerned and kneels down to me. Only now I realized that I was so lost in my head that I stopped drawing at all and was just staring into space.
"Yeah." I smile and start drawing again. He sighs and puts my pencil away. "What did we say about not being honest with me about what's up with you?" "No lying." I whisper. "But I didn't, I was just thinking about something, I promise." I mumble and start light panicking. "Hey, everything is fine, I'm not mad, honey. What were you thinking about?" "You remember when you backed me up in front of Dad with saying that we are allowed to have secrets as long as they are nothing bad, I would use this now."
He starts to tickle me. "You know some times I really forget that you are still a kid if you keep talking like that, my little genius." I starts giggling and try to get away from his tickling.
"Where are you sisters?" He asks but his eyes are telling me that he knows exactly the answer he gets. "I don't know they went of to talk with Wanda I guess." "They didn't asked you to join?" He asks concerned. "I don't care." I whisper and smile at him. "You know, I have you." He smiles warmly at me and pulls me into a hug.
"How about we gonna surprise Natasha?" I tense up a bit but nod anyway. We walk out of  my sisters and my room over to Natashas. In her room she was working but it didn't seem to bother her that we came in. She helped me up on the chair next to her and smiled at me. "You getting bigger every time I have you here." I just smile at her don't really know what to do. "Y/N is it ok if I leave you here for a few minutes, I forgot that I have to do something shortly." Bucky asks and I just nod. I'm old enough to stay alone for a bit. After he left I look back at what was Natasha working before we came in. "What were you working on?" I ask her shyly and get back a smile from her. "I was working on the last mission report." She answers and turns me carefully to her. "You know, I'm really happy every time you come to visit me. I know it's hard for you to be out here now with me but especially in the living area when we are all here but I want you to know that you can always come to me no matter what and even if it is just to be away from everyone else. And you wanna know a little secret, you are my favorite person." She smiles. I look in her eyes and I know that she means it. "It's ok for me if we could hug someday." I whisper and she squeals in joy because she nows how hard it is for me to let anyone near than Bucky.
The rest of the day I was in Natashas room just laying in silence on the bed or was drawing something next to her on her desk while she was working. That's what I liked so much about Natasha, we don't have to talk much.

*time skip

The next day, Папа wasn't there because he needed to go on the mission together with Dad (Steve) and I think Tony and Sam.
While lunch there where still so much noises and I noticed that I was having a bad day. After lunch Wanda asked all of us (my sisters and me) to hang out together, I couldn't say no so I just look up to Natasha who had an eye on me all day. She smiles at me and I get up and follow them over to the living area. They choose a movie and I wanted to get up and leave but they held me back.
"Come on Y/N, please stay." Wanda smiles and sits down to us on the couch between me and my sisters. The movie was loud and so much but not for the others. Why can't I just be normal like them? I ask myself. "I'll go back upstairs again." I whisper and stand up.
I heard them shouting after me and in the same moment as I wanted to walk out a few people ran into the room and that's when it all became too much.
I run into the the next corner, let myself down again the wall and start panicking. Wanda came running to me and tries to talk to me what was nice but the moment she started to touch me it was over with me. I start screaming and hitting around me.
"Hey, calm down, please." "Calm down." "It's ok, it's going to be ok." Wanda tries.

Natasha pov:

"Hey, calm down, please." "Calm down." "It's ok, it's going to be ok." I heard a really overwhelmed Wanda and that was when I realized that it wasn't the movie screaming, it is Y/N.
I quickly went over to the living room and found Y/N in pure panic. I pull Wanda away from her and sit down next to her.
"Hey sweetheart, it's me Natasha. You remember our little talk yesterday?" She nods lightly. "How about now? Would you be ok with that?"
I noticed the moment when she heard my voice she calmed a bit. She stopped screaming and hitting which is a huge step.
She looks up at my eyes so I smile at her. Even though she was weak from all the stress and panic she managed to get up and come over to me. She let herself down in my lap and hugged me. I carefully wrap my arms around her small body and hug her tightly.
"Y/N, is it ok if I pick you up and we go somewhere where it isn't so loud for you?"
She nods again.
I pick her up and went with her to my room. In their she calms down more. I lay her down on my bed but she didn't let go of me so I lay down with her.
"So I heard that your sisters where searching for a mother figure and asked Wanda, is that why she was so into doing something with you guys?"
She nods lightly and shrugs a bit. I could tell she was really exhausted. "How about you sleep a bit?" I ask her and she only pulls her self closer to me scared that I would go away. "It's ok, I'm staying right there with you, honey." She relaxes a bit. "Thank you, мамма." She whispers and while drifting into sleep.

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