Family NR

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!!!Maybe TW!!!
You're are an Avenger bc of your fight skills and your healing powers. You can heal wounds, broken bones and so on but not yourself. You're Natashas girlfriend and you are close with Bucky, he is like a father figure to you. You're actual family lives in NYC too. You're Mom and Dad are divorced since more than 5 years, you're close to your Dad and you go visit him every weekend. You go visit your Mom too but not so often.
Nearly everyone is in the living room and we are watching a movie all together. I don't really like the movie so I was on my phone and leaning against Natasha.
Everyone looks at me since it was my phone.
"Sry guys, I thought it was on mute mode."
I laughed slightly then look back down to my phone. I read the message and my body is cramping a little.
Natasha looks at me worriedly and Bucky who was next to me noticed it too. Without a word I stand up and run out the room. In my room I lock the door behind me and let me fall to the ground leaning against the door. I start crying and I could feel my breathing getting faster and faster.

"Babe?" I could hear Natasha who was behind the door. "Babe you ok?" I tried to silence myself but it didn't really work. "Y/N can I come in?" Again I don't answer her. "Y/N please open the door. I can hear you so I know you are in there and I know you are not ok. Please open the door." Natasha still tries but I didn't move and still don't answer her. I could hear that she slides down the door so we sit now back to back with the door between us.

"Natasha?" I heard Buckys voice. "She don't open the door but can hear her crying and breathing way to fast." Now he knock on the door. "Y/N? Please open the door, we just wanna help you and be there for you, no matter what. Please let us in, you don't have to talk just let us in."

I could hear the despair in their voices but I couldn't let them in, I don't want them to see me like this.

"Babe please? I'm worried and as Bucky said we don't have to talk about it if you aren't ready but I wanna be there for you, you know through thick and thin, like you said when you gave me the promise ring."

"O-ok but I-I'm behind the door." I stuttered. The breathing was getting me trouble to talk. I slowly put my hand up and unlock the door. I tried to move but I just fall to the ground completely. "We are coming in now." Carefully Natasha opens the door but when she finds me laying there on the floor with trouble breathing she ran to me.
"Oh my god, Y/N! Wait I'll help you sit up." She pulls me of the ground and bring me into a hug. "Baby, you have to breath with me ok? Breathe in... and out."
After a few minutes my breathing was steady again but she still holds me tight. Bucky sat down and wait till I came down. Natasha helps me to sit down next to Bucky and sit down on the otherside.
"You wanna talk about what happen, hun?" She asks me buf I just shrug my shoulders. "It's ok you don't have to but please never lock me out again, I was so scared." "I-I'm sorry." She pulls me back in a hug and whisperers. "Don't be, I love you hun." "I love you too."
"Is it because your family?" I nod slightly. You know, I'm always there for you. I can understand when you are not ready right now but please talk to us when you are." "Thanks Bucky." He stands up again and leaves with a worried smile.

Cuddled up together, we lie down in my bed and enjoy togetherness. She plays with my hair and I calm down more and more.
"Natasha?" I whisper. "Yes hun?" I just show her the message.

"Hey, I don't want to see you for a while, you know why so don't come to me this weekend .

After she read it she pulls me closer to her which I thought wouldn't work anymore and she hugs me tightly. "I'm sorry, love." She whispers back in my ear. "He was the only person left in my family who I could always come to, who doesn't hate me but now..."
My voice cracked and I got tears back in my eyes.
"Hey hun, look at me please look at me. You have still us, no matter what and he will come down again and will text you again because that is such a overreaction it could be from Tony and you know how he is after something like this so don't worry." She said and kissed me on my forehead.
"I love you Natalia."
"I love you too, hun. Do you wanna watch a movie you like this time?"
"Only if we stay here in bed and I can still cuddle with you."
"Sure baby. How about Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban?"
"Uhh yes. Do you think I have to tell it to Bucky?"
"If you don't want to, he won't force you but I guess he would be happy because he worries about you too. "
"Ok but first Harry Potter."

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