Chapter Fifty-six

Start from the beginning

"This is better" I beamed as I lifted the shirt to him.


"Yeah" I lowered the shirt to find a smug smirk playing on his lips. "What?"

He sauntered over to me, picked the shirt out of my hands and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him. "I see what the problem is?"

"What?" I placed both palms against his chest in an attempt to push out of his embrace.

He tightened his hold on me. "You're worried"

I looked at him like he'd suddenly grown two heads. "Me? Worried? Why would I be worried?"

He chuckled. "Yeah, you are. And you don't have to be"

I pushed again and turned my face to the side. "I don't know what you're going on about" He loosened his hold on me and I put a good distance between us. "I'm not. Why would I? Give me a reason why I should be worried?"

I pointed at him. "In fact, your actions determine whether I should worry or not—"The wide grin that lit up his face, indicated that he didn't believe a word I said and my rambling wasn't exactly aiding my case.

I placed my palms behind my neck and massaged. "See, all I'm saying is that, it looks like you made too much effort. If you don't care about this meetup, like say you don't then I don't see why you should turn up, like this"

I put up my hand in mock surrender and added. "Still, I can't tell you what to do so..."

He nodded then slightly raised the shirt. "So you'd rather have me wear this?"

I shrugged a shoulder.

"I wear this to work out, sometimes" he added with the gentleness of a parent trying to make the child see reason.

I blew out a raspberry and sank my shoulders in defeat. "You know what? Forget I said anything, you look fine. Just go, you're going to be late"

He studied me for a quick second then began to unbutton his shirt.

"Wh—what are you doing?" I held out a hand to stop him.

He paused his actions and looked up at me. "If you want me to go in this—"he shook the plain shirt in the air. "—then that's what I'll do"

He resumed the unbuttoning and I had to rush over to him to stop him from completely taking off the shirt.

"No, no, stop" I held his arm away from the shirt. "Don't take it off. Seriously, it's fine"

He eyed me cautiously. "I'm not sure if I should believe that"

I snickered and rested my head against his chest, releasing his hands to fall to his side. In no time, they were snaked around my waist.

"I think the truth is I don't really know how to feel about this date. I can't be upset because I understand it's not your doing but I can also help feeling..." I lifted my eyes to meet his and almost got lost in the adoration that filled them.

I smacked my lips and released a heavy sigh. "You don't have to take this off, it has nothing to do with the shirt" I began to button the shirt back up. "Just go and get this over with."

As I buttoned up the shirt, he began to run his hands along the sides of my torso. A smile crept up to my lips at his subtle way of comforting me. I gently patted his chest once I was done and widened my smile. "You're set"

He leaned down a placed a soft kiss on my lips. I giggled and leaned back but he pulled me back in with one arm and placed the other hand on the side of my face. I slightly moved my head to the side and shut my eyes in preparation for a heated kissing session. And he really went in for it, like we weren't going to see each other after today.

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