Chapter 4: Sixteen Years

Start from the beginning

"You." The monstrous villain stomps over, pushing straggling children out of his way and causing them to just barely avoid falling to the ground like rag-dolls. "You," he repeats in a growl as he reaches Bakugou and grabs him around the middle, lifting him into the air in a massive fist, "are a disobedient child," he finishes with a shriek as he chucks Bakugou into the side of a building, Bakugou's body limply flying through the air.

Bakugou feels and hears everything well, even if he wishes he could not. He feels the wind fluttering his hero costume. He hears the wind howling and whistling through his gauntlets as he flies against his will. He feels the hard impact as his body hits hard stone—concrete? He feels and hears the sickening crunch of bones breaking. He hears the tumbling rock and grinding stone as the wall crumples around him, rubble falling onto his body and further battering him. He feels his ankle, twisted the wrong direction. He feels blood trailing down his forehead from the gash above it.

Something tells Bakugou he might have a concussion. Just maybe.

His ears ring, but there is no time for peace and gathering himself. Some of the rubble shifts around, and light filters through it, but then a large and disgusting hand obstructs the gorgeous sun, wrapping around him painfully and pulling him out of the crumpled mess. He hears screams. There's a lot of shouting. Now, things are not as clear, though.

Suddenly, he is flying again, but the hand is still on one of his legs, the one with the ankle that went wrong, and he hits the ground a lot more quickly. Again. And again. And again.

He can't move anymore. It hurts. Oh fuck it hurts. How can he get away. It hurts so bad. Where is he? What's going on?

"Don't worry, kiddo, I have you," a nice-sounding voice says. Bakugou feels kind people surround him and feels safer. He looks at them through misty red eyes and tries to speak. "Hush, child. Just listen and do as told and everything will be fine." They're all smiling at him. It's nice. Everything hurts, but this is nice. It's good.

He blinks, and when he opens his eyes again, Bakugou knows somehow that they are green.

He still does not know where he is. What's going on? Where did the good people go? People don't usually treat him like that. Where'd they go? He wants them back.


Dynamight? That's him.

"Stand up," a calm voice says.

The good people said to do as told, so he will, and he does. His legs are wobbly, and the ankle that went wrong almost makes him fall.

"Good lad," he hears, but his eyes remain downcast and blurry, barely able to see the ground. The ground looks red. "Take off your mask, kiddo," the voice continues prodding.

Bakugou listens, and he hears people crying out. There are voices that sound so distraught and hurt. He wants to tell them it's okay. The good people said it would be if he does as told.

"Well done," the voice says happily, clapping him painfully on the back once, and Bakugou falls to the ground. He writhes there for a moment, feeling open skin tear more on rock. Everything hurts. Everything hurts so badly. Bakugou can hear a frown in the voice when it speaks again. "Get back up."

If only to stop this pain, Bakugou struggles, weakly pulling his arms up to push him from the ground. He topples over once more with a pitiful hiss of pain, realizing one of his arms has gone wrong. Eventually, he hauls himself up.

"Good," the voice praises. "Now please, my boy, tell me about yourself as loudly as you can."

No. Nonono. There is something so wrong here. There are people screaming for him not to do it; he can hear that now. Bakugou doesn't want people knowing who he is. It's his deepest secret. Nobody can know—

"Tell me. About yourself. Now."

Bakugou gulps, but the good people come back and soothe his worries away. They tell him it is alright. It will all be fine, just as long as he does as told.

"My name is Bakugou Katsuki. I am a student at UA in Class 1-A," he states in monotone, receiving a combination of started chokes, gasps, and sobs from people around him.

"And your age?"

"I'm sixteen years old."


The world is frozen in the coffee shop and almost everywhere that has news in Japan. Every patron in the shop stares at the TV in shock; some have hands over gaping mouths, some sob silently, some sob loudly, some simply gape, but all of them stare.

"No..." the mumble from Kirishima seems to put everything back into motion. People fly up from their seats in outrage and tearful denial.

"A child! We have been allowing a child to fight for us! Despicable!"

"L-look at h-him! He's so b-badly injured!" someone cries out.

"He's as old as my daughter..."

"That fucking VILLAIN!"

"To beat up a child? That villain is the scum of mankind, if he is that at all!"

"He's Bakugou," Ashido mutters, terrified, hands clenched over her mouth as tears drip down her cheeks. "How is he going to be okay after that?"

Sero bites his lip hard, fighting the tears that nonetheless defeat him and find their way to the ground. His mouth trembles as he attempts to speak. "I'm s-sure he will be," he says shakily and unconvincingly as he pulls Ashido into a hug.

Kirishima stares with big red eyes dazedly at the TV. "Bakugou..." he repeats. He can barely even see the news by now through the tears impeding his vision. All he can gather is that the heroes got reinforcements at last and cleared out the battlefield. They carted Bakugou off in an ambulance.... It was bad enough seeing Dynamight take that beating, but...Bakugou? To know it was the tough, hard-headed, studious Bakugou from class...that while they're relaxing in a coffee shop, he's—

Kirishima feels a sob wrack his body, and he drops his head to the table, hands burrowing into his hair and tugging at it as he cries his lungs out. At some point, he feels a hand on his back, and, when he finally pulls up from the depths of drowning in his ocean of tears, Kirishima finds Kaminari crying besides him quietly, holding him in a one-armed hug.

"C'mon, man," Kaminari whispers. "We're gonna go see if we can see him."

Kirishima glances at his friend dejectedly, seeing the other two just behind him, pulling their things together so they can get going, and pulls himself up.


Bippity boppity boo I hurt Baku-goo 🧚🏻‍♀️✨
This chapter is different than what I usually write and I actually rly like it 😈
Please don't hurt me

Word Count: 1812

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