"I. got. the. highest. score at PE."

"Okay, except for that," she pouted. "Anyways, if you study too much, you will soon regret not enjoying your childhood."


You kept pushing her away but it doesn't stop her. She kept clinging on you and insisting that both of you should be friends. Not long after, she proposed a deal to which you considered. You were having a hard time coping with the lessons so you thought that the deal was a win-win. She will tutor you while you do her projects.

It was of course effective. Not only that you learned a lot from her, but you also had fun. Even though she doesn't study much, she's a genius and she explains the topic well. It was just difficult to get her to the right mood. She trespassed to your house everyday but only tutors you every before exam.

One time, she challenged you to a duel. You looked at her pathetically. She has a small figure and she dared to fight a giant like you. You agreed since that was the only way to make her tutor you. Surprisingly, you enjoyed that time. You felt in need of air but not because of your asthma. It was nice feeling hot and sweaty. She was better than you expected.

Since that duel made you happy, it became a warm up routine for the both of you. You will fight each other before you study so you can both feel lively. Everyday was fun with her. You grew closer to her and was happy that she befriended you. Your boring and difficult school life became atleast fun.


"Hey, Yume-chan," you called, looking at her stuffed face. "Let's have a date after school?"

She immediately swallowed the bread in her mouth and drank water. "Are you not feeling good? Are you an impostor?" she placed her hand on your forehead to check your temperature. She pretended to examine your whole body. "Exams are coming, your line was supposed to be "let's study, yume-chan"."

You just shrugged at her and smiled. You didn't know it yourself but you weren't in the mood to stay up late and drown yourself in your notes. After your parents got mad at you for not being the best at school, you felt unmotivated to study.

"Where should we go? Is it free?" Yumeri asked, she realized what you were feeling.

"The mall. And sure, it's my treat."

"Ooh~ sugar mommy," she winked at you.

Yumeri supported you and helped you throughout your studies. She made sure you don't give up. With that, even without putting the same amount of effort you exerted when you were younger, you managed to still be on top. It was still difficult. Yet, your mother still told you to stay out of their house. She doesn't want you to be on top, she wanted you to be the top.

After that, you decided to give up and just have fun. Yumeri didn't agree but she didn't left you alone anyways. She asked you if you were really happy or you were just being a rebel. You told her you were happy so she let you do whatever you want, and always had your back.


"Then it's your fault," Izana says.

"I didn't say it was her fault. It was you who always blame Yumeri. Why do you even hate her?"

"That's how your mother treated you and yet, you still want her to be your mother??"  Izana changes the topic.

"Is it wrong? I told you, they gave me everything when I gave them everything. I had toys that every child dreamed of. I had the prettiest clothes, the fanciest and most fun vacation trips. All of the things I experienced with them were beautiful."

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