Soulmates part 1

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Swagger's POV

It was supposed to be a good night. We were all sitting around Cam's living room talking about what we were going to do tomorrow or things like that.

And then Mason just had to bring up the topic of soulmates.

"I'm not sure I want to find them. I mean, I've looked for them since I left New Zealand." Cam said. He looked at me. "What about you, Swags?"

Well now I couldn't just tell him he was my soulmate. So instead I force a sad smile onto my face.

"They rejected me." It wasn't exactly a lie. I winced when I saw their expressions change. "B- But it's fine! I'm fine. Don't worry about me."

The conversation picked up again and I excused myself.

"I'm gonna head home."

We all said good night and I left. I cried myself to sleep that night.

I got a call from Tobi the next morning, along with several missed texts from Cam and the others, all asking if I was okay. Of course I said I was to not worry them but Tobi came over anyways just to be sure. 

"Do I know who they are?" She asked. "Just curious."

Curiosity my ass. She was definitely going to do something if I told her it was Cam.

"Yeah, you know him." She looked angry.

"Who the fuck-"

"Tobi, just don't." I look at her. "I'm fine. Even if he did know it was me, we're friends. Nothing is going to change."

Her eyes widened at my indirect confession. 

"That son of a-"

"He doesn't know it's me. And this conversation never happened." I glared at her.

A week passed before everything went to hell. We had finished recording a podcast and were all hanging around the office after. I had been attempting to avoid Cam at all costs and the others mainly if they brought up the topic of my soulmate. 

Eventually Cam cornered me.

"We need to talk."


"I don't know, about why you keep avoiding me?" He frowned. "Was it something I said?"

"I'm sorry?"

"Are you avoiding me because of something I said?"

Well fuck, what do I say? My mouth betrays me and chose to be honest.

"Yes." His eyes widen in shock. "But it wasn't that bad! I'm just being a bitch about it-"

"What was it?" Lie! Come on, it's not that hard!

"The soulmate thing." Fuck! He looked confused. 


"You're my soulmate." Fuck me and my big mouth. I show him the mark.

"Swagger, I-"

"Save it, Fitz. You already told me everything I needed to know." 

Fitz's POV

He left.

God I feel awful. There's nothing to recover from this. My soulmate was my best friend and I hurt him. He hates me.

After Eric left Tobi found me and she was angry.

"What the hell did you say to him?" She glared at me. "Answer me, Cameron. What the fuck did you say to him?"

"All I did was ask him why he was avoiding me. He told me I was his soulmate." 

She sighed and I didn't know if that was good or bad.

"Tobi how do I fix this?"

"Give him time. Do you want to be with him?"

"Yes. If I could go back in time I would take back what I said." I felt like crying. "I hurt him without even knowing it."

"Like I said, give him time. A couple days, maybe a week." She gave me a small smile. "It'll work out."

I nodded.

I'm going to fix this.

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