Chapter 3, finding a routine

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- After getting food Zigzag said I could sit next to him. I sat down and right when I did everyone started to stare at me.

Some guy wearing a bandanna or headband took my bread. He didn't look friendly, so when he opened his mouth to say something I prepared for the worse but hoped for the best.

"Since you didn't do any digging today you don't mind if I take it right?" It was really more of a statement or challenge than a question. I didn't want to cause any trouble so I just nodded and let him have it.

It probably wasn't much of a loss anyways, the food looked smelt and probably tasted terrible. I picked up the spoon and looked at it for a while before dipping it into a bowl of beans. That's when I heard Squid, I think, ask me why I was here. 

Everybody started saying things like "Oh it must have been real bad since your a girl" and "She probably murdered somebody or something". But it was all really simple, well kind of. 

"I broke into a school, vandalized the building and stole it's mascot costume or whatever it's called." I finally got out after waiting a while to build up more suspense. 

"That ain't that bad, but how come you got some funny accent?" Squid asked.

The truth is I'm not originally from Texas. Around 2 years ago I came home from school and found out I would be moving to Texas because of my Dad's Job. 

"Oh, I moved to Texas 2 years ago." I replied. That got me thinking about my parents and if they were worried or not, and how my friends would be doing without me, probably not getting in trouble as much. Everyone had always said I was a bad influence and them, and only since  I had moved here had they started to get into trouble.

Your friends though, had a different opinion about you. They thought that you had opened a door of freedom and had made them see life more clearly.


I got situated and ready for bed but the next thing you knew it was morning time. You realized that there was an alarm or signal for everybody to get up and ready for the day.

Everyone got out of the tent and started to grab shovels and breakfast, which I couldn't even tell what it was. I started to walked behind everyone else. 

Mr. Sir came up to me and explained that I would have to dig a hole five feet tall and five feet wide. When I pushed the shovel into the ground for the first time Mr. Sir said "One down ten thousand more to go."


I was the last to finish digging and when I got back it was dinner time I didn't talk or listen to any of the conversations, I was busy thinking about how different my life would be when I got back home.

"Hey Looney, you OK? You took real' long to finish your hole." Zigzag suddenly asked me.

"Looney? Doesn't that mean crazy?" I asked ignoring the question he asked me.

"Oh yeah I geuss, I came up with your nickname." He said smiling at me.

Nickname? You asked yourself, that's kind of cool.

Looney, I like it.

A/N: How do you guys feel about the nickname? (Edit: I took a recommendation and changed the nickname from batty to Looney)

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