Chapter 10, caveman leaves

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-It had all happened so fast.

After zero got away, we were told to continue digging. Like usual, it took me a little longer to dig my hole. When Zigzag came over to help me, I tried to ignore him, which I mostly did. I continued to dig as the sun started to set. If I had seen such a beautiful sunset back home, I would have paused to admire it. Right now though, I was angry. Mostly at Zigzag. 

"Hey, do you want help with that looney?" Stanley asked, I'm pretty sure he only used my nickname to calm me down a little, to remind me who I was. Why I was here. 

I looked down at my hole and could tell I was almost done.

"Thanks for the offer Caveman, but I'm almost done." I replied. I also wanted to be alone to carry on with my thoughts.

I got back to digging and looked up watching, as Stanley walked back to camp.


I had missed dinner to take a shower. I wasn't hungry anyway, I don't think I would've been able to keep any food down with what was on my mind and all. 

I really wanted to go look for Zero, but I knew even if I did, he wouldn't come back to camp with me. 

I decided I'd talk to Stanley about it later.

After I got dressed I headed back to tent D. Zigzag was the only person back, but I knew everyone else would be back soon too. His back was towards me, until he turned around from hearing me. He had a guilty expression on his face. 

We made eye contact before Zigzag quickly looked down. I just couldn't do it, I decided I'd just try and act like he wasn't there. 

"You should really eat something, I can go back and sneak some-" he started before I interrupted him. I guess my silence didn't last that long.

"It's fine." I loudly said. He gave me another sorry look. 

"I really think you should eat something." he said again. 

"I don't think I'd be able to eat anything." I replyed before I heard eveyone else enter the tent. I rapidly turned around.

Everybody started talking about how they thought Zero died, or how he would die. I was absolutley disgusting. I tried to distract myself and fall asleep, it didn't work.

I didn't get any sleep that night.


Later the next day, when it was only me and Stanley digging our holes, we talked about Zero.  

"I want to go looking for him," Stanley explained "I just know I could find him!"

"I mean, so do I. But how could we convince him to come back?" I asked. Stanley thought about it for a couple of seconds.

"What if one of us stays here, and the other goes looking for Zero?" He asked, looking for my opinion. 

"I could stay, but if you don't come back in 7 days, I'll go out looking for you two." I added.

We talked about a plan for Stanley to leave when it was only us digging our holes, I'd give him my water jug as well as him having his own. 

Stanley stood up all of the sudden and started calling Zero's name, I could see him crying a little. I started to join in with him too, until we saw the bus show up with a new kid.


The new guys name was twitch, he was replacing Zero, well not replacing. Twitch just got Zero's spot at the camp. He got sent to camp for joy riding. 

That gave me and Stanley an idea. 

The next day, when Mr. Sir came to refill our water, Twitch would help Stanley steal Mr. Sir's truck. While Mr. Sir was distracted, Stanley jumped into the Truck.

"Put it in gear! Put it in gear!" Twitch yelled.

Stanley started the truck and everybody started to cheer for him, including me. Well, until he drove into a hole. When he started running, we all cheered again.

I knew he'd find Zero, I just hoped they make it back.

A/N: I'm to try and finish writing this book today and tomorrow because I'm going camping in 2 days. There's also some big stuff happening on here, the Wattys! Are you guys excited? If anybody's entering I'd love to read them! 

𝐃𝐢𝐠 a holes fanfictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें