Chapter 9, fight

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-Wake up Y/n!" I heard someone shout into my ear.

It was Stanley, I could tell from his gentle voice. For a second or two I thought I had slept in.

"Y/n, I need to tell you something." 

I groaned "Tell me, whatever it is, later." I opened one eye and squinted at him. He looked a little disappointed, but still nodded his head in agreement.

"Yeah, yeah, ok." Stanley said while leaving. I looked over at Zigzag's cot and caught his eye. He had been looking and listening in on Stanley and I's conversation. I shook my head and went back to bed.


I was acting sluggish for the rest of the day because of the interruption of my sleep. It makes me sound lazy, but it really did mess up the rest of my morning. 

I dug my hole with almost no energy, and Zigzag had been really grumpy. He wasn't talking to me at all. It hurt, I didn't even know what I did. I just tried to ignore it by talking to Stanley and Zero. 

I heard Dr. Pendanski pull up in the truck for lunch. I got in line, with everybody else. I saw Magnet take extra cookies and give some to Zigzag. Normally, I would've scolded them when Dr. Pendanski left, but I was too tired to today.

Zigzag tried to shove a cookie into Stanley's hand.

"He isn't going to take it," he laughed "here, eat the cookie." but Stanley just smacked it out of his hand and stood up. They started to shove each other.

"Hey! What's going on here?" Dr. Pendanski asked as if it wasn't obvious.

 "Dr. Mom we was just fooling." everybody else said.

"I saw what was going on, come on Stanley, teach him a lesson. Hit him back." Dr. Pendanski casually added to the fight.

"Yeah, teach me a lesson." Zigzag said. 

My eyebrows furrowed and I started to feel sick, why wasn't Dr. Pendanski doing anything. Why was Zigzag acting like that? I really, truly did want to do something, but I was frozen in place. All I could do was watch. 

They started to push each other and then Stanley slapped him. It was a soft slap, we all knew why. Stanley didn't know how to fight.

Zigzag threw Stanley to the ground and then started punching him. Stanley hit Zigzag and tried to run away from him. 

Zigzag threw a hard punch straight to Stanley's face. Zero charged at Zigzag and jumped onto his back. He started to choke Zigzag and they both fell to the ground. Dr. Pendanski was barely doing anything to stop them. 

Zigzag was still being choked when Dr. Pendanski fired a gun into the air, that was the last thing he did to end the fight. 


The Warden got called along with Mr. Sir. 

"So basically, Zero almost killed Ricky." Dr. Pendanski told them. 

"Basically?" the Warden asked.

"Ziggy was beating up the Caveman right, and then Zero started choking Zigzag. I had to pull Zero off of him." Armpit explained.

"Yeah, I mean, Zig just got a little hot." X-ray added.

The Warden started to walk around and look at all of us, but stopped at Zigzag.

"Is that what happened Zigzag?" she questioned. 

"I mean, you know what X-ray said. Working all day out in the sun. You know while Caveman sits around and does nothing." Zigzag added even more.

"Excuse me, Caveman digs his hole just like everyone else." the Warden said confidently.

"Sometimes." Zigzag muttered. I stared at him, eyes wide. How could he do this.

"Excuse me." the Warden angrily said.

"Ma'am, Zero's been digging a part of Caveman's hole everyday." Squid informed the Warden.

"You haven't been digging holes no more, huh?" Mr. Sir said while grabbing Stanley's jumpsuit collar.

"We're teaching him how to read, he's a smart kid really." Stanley tried to reason.

"We?" the Warden seemed confused but also angry. Stanley looked over at me, he gave me a 'I'm sorry' look.

"Loon and I." he finally said. Zigzag looked over at me, I had never told him. I meant to, I really did.

"Yeah well, Zero ain't smart. Hey Zero, what does C-A-T spell, huh. What's it spell," Dr. Pendanski paused for a moment "oh yeah, he's a real genius."

The Warden and Mr. Sir started arguing with Stanley.

"Neither of you can teach him how to read." the Warden decided.

"We know you mean well, but the mental stress just causes his brain too much of a challenge. That's what made his blood boil, not the hot sun," Dr. Pendanski stated. 

"I'm not digging anymore holes," Zero finally spoke up. 

"Good," the Warden said.

"I mean, you might as well teach this shovel how to read," Dr. Pendanski said while grabbing a shovel out of Zigzag's hand.

"Go ahead take it," Dr. Pendanski said while passing it to Zero "It's all you'll ever be good at. D-I-G, what's that spell?" he asked mockingly.

Zero took the shovel and smacked Dr. Pendanski with it so hard, he passed out.

"Dig." Zero spit at his body on the ground before running out into the dry, empty desert.

"Go Zero!" Stanley and I cheered for Zero.

Everybody else watched as Mr. Sir and the Warden couldn't catch him.

A/N: Not much happened between you and Zigzag this chapter, but there will be more. This chapter was mostly plot, I also noticed I messed up kissing kate barlows lipstick tube, I'll try and fix that later.

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