Chapter 4, weird encounter

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- I'm still one of the slowest diggers but recently I've been beating Armpit at digging holes, Zigzag said it's because I'm determined or something. I've never really thought about it though.

Anyways, I got some paper from the break room and decided to write my parents a letter than another letter for my friends. I find an old pencil and start to write asking my friends questions and telling my parents I'm alright until I see a shadow coming up behind me, a big shadow.

I turn around not afraid to look at the person, it's an older guy who has his blonde hair slicked back, the same guy who I saw when I arrived here and got my clothes. I watch him pull out the chair beside mine and sit down. He stared straight at me and then all of the sudden he reached out for my arm. I pulled away, got out of the chair and left.

My letters were basically done so I sealed and put them into what looked like a mail box. I turned around and Zigzag was right there, really up close to my face. I felt my face heat up a little as I took a step back, he looked me in the eye for a second before looking at my feet.

"You should uhh stay away from Lump." He mumbled pointing to the guy who I had an encounter with just a second ago.

I nodded, turned and walked over to Zero because he was waving at me to go over to him. I was surprised because I hadn't had much of an interaction with Zero since I've gotten here, he seems nice he's just pretty quiet. I honestly don't blame him.

"What were you doing? Did you talk to Lump?" Zero asked.

"No, it was really weird. He reached out to grab me so I left." I replied with.

"Good, you don't want to be talking to him too much." Zero clarified. I agreed and left to go find something to do.

A/N: This kind of a filler chapter so it's pretty short and plain. 

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