37. Baby for blackmail

Start from the beginning

The formation went crazy, spread out aimlessly and finally attacked her. Cheng yu was helpless anymore. She fell unconscious.

Lian Song jump from his chair to save Cheng Yu. The fan moved to dispel formation attacks when he was in front of Cheng Yu. Immortal became noisy with the incident. Hao de hit the arm of the throne chair furiously.

The flower spirit flown like before and Sang Ji disappeared for further investigation. Lian Song sat cross-legged in front of Ceng Yu and hugged Cheng Yu who looked weak, pale and sweaty. Cheng yu's breath sounded erratic and that made Lian Song even more worried. "Cheng Yu, what's wrong with you?" Lian Song patted her cheek.

"What is it, Third Prince?" Amidst the commotion of the audience, Hao de's voice boomed. Lian Song looked at his father. It was only for a moment and he focused on Cheng yu's condition again.

It was Yang Chuo who finally replied, "Apparently this party has exhausted everyone present, it might be best if we relax for a while, Father."

Hao de sighed. "You're right, Lord Cheng yu may be pushing herself too hard in training for this show. Ladies and gentlemen, please let us have a friendly chat with each other."

Noise can be controlled. Yang Chuo sighed because the father could still be persuaded. Lian Song lifted Cheng Yu on his chest, carrying the woman out of the hall. He did it under a million eyes. Everyone knew the Jiuchongtian prince's love for Dong Hua Dijun's adopted daughter.

Hao de sighed and massaged his forehead. Yang Chuo glanced at Hao de then closed his eyes thinking about the stupidity of his younger brother who so openly showed his affection for Lord Cheng Yu.

Lian Song took Cheng yu to his palace. The lord of medicine was summoned. Cheng Yu was immediately in his care. Siming also seemed to have heard Cheng Yu's collapse and walked back and forth in front of the bedroom door. Lian Song's face was deathly pale as the medicinal lord's expression revealed disbelief. Lian Song seemed to want to strangle the man who was repeating his examinations.

Until Cheng Yu's head moved. The woman hummed a voice of discomfort. Lian Song gasped then approached Cheng Yu's face, caressed her cheek in a soft whisper, "Cheng Yu, Hey... Wake up, honey."

Cheng Yu's eyelids moved until they opened with a weak look. "Lian Song."

"Yes dear."

"Where am I?" Cheng Yu looked around the room.

"In my palace."

Cheng yu gasped, "Your palace?"

Li Song nodded.

"How could I be here.' Cheng yu pulled off the blanket and got up in a hurry. No doubt her head was dizzy again. Nausea rose in her throat again and... "Hoek!," she vomited on Lian Song's chest.

The man closed his eyes with a frown. His chest was already smelly and wet. Cheng yu was surprised and covered her own mouth. The medicine lord smiled amused.

"I'm sorry," Cheng Yu squeaked sadly. Lian Song smiled forcefully. "It's okay, you go back to sleep. You're still sick." He said as he pushed Cheng Yu to lie down again.

"Third prince is right. You're not in good shape. It's just..."

"It's just.. what is it?" Lian Song got frustrated because of the rambling sentences.

The medicine lord looked at Lian Song's face then turned to Cheng Yu. The worried face of the third prince and the condition of his patient. He connected the dots and asked uncertainly, "Are you guys..." he cleared his throat because he felt his throat had become dry for some reason.

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