"Well, find out." She winks and leaves my room leaving me to wallow in my own self-pity. I know she's right—about JJ not Sarah. That the longer I wait the more it'll hurt me but I'd rather see JJ make out with girls and be in my life than tell him and completely lose him. It would pain me more to lose him than have my heart crack a small piece with each reminder that I can't have him.

  I glance back to the mirror and just give up with my makeup and just in time because Sarah texts me that she's here. I panic to find my wallet and other shit and throw on sneakers and run downstairs.

"Bye!" I hear faint byes as I leave the house and run to her car. Honestly, I'm excited to see Sarah. I just have to hope Kie doesn't get too mad. "Hi!" Sarah leans over to give me a hug and I was not ready but I hug back awkwardly, "Hey, Sarah. You look good." She always looks good, why can't she just be a little gay?

"So do you!" Sarah starts the short drive to the boneyard and we sit in comfortable silence. She pulls over to the side of the road and I can see the fire in the distance. "You okay?" Sarah puts her hand on mine and I almost pull away in surprise. "Y-yea—" I grab the handle to the car and hop out.

  I wait for Sarah to come around and we start walking together to where the music and shouting is coming from—the usual spot of course. As soon as we step foot on the beach Sarah is bombarded by other Kooks and slowly sucked into their circle. She mouthes a sorry but I'm not even that surprised.

  It was going to happen eventually, I just didn't think right away. I shrug my shoulders and push past people to find someone from my group. I wave to a few people from school and finally find an open area to see better.

  As I look around at everyone, I hear a laugh from behind me. I immediately recognize the laugh as none other than JJ's. Do I even want to turn around? Maybe I can just walk away—

"Sam!" John B shouts and I hear footsteps in the sand from behind me. Then I feel hands around my waist and my feet leave the ground. "John B! Put me down!" All he does is laugh and drag me over to where the rest of them are. I huff as he puts me down and adjust my clothes,"You're annoying!"

"It's my top trait," John B bows and I roll my eyes. The rest of The Pogues are around me, drinking beer. "A beer Sam?" Kie throws on a posh accent and hands me the beer which I gladly take. I stare into the alcohol in my cup for a second before completely downing it. 'OH's were heard as a bit of it gets on my chin and on my shirt. Great, I'm going to smell like beer the rest of the night now. "Already?"

"Let her be, Pope! Let the girl drinkth!" JJ lifts his beer into the sky and smiles. He's staring at me and I feel it in my bones. I slightly glance at him and that's enough to make me grab the beer from Pope's hand and down that as well. "Hey—my drink! Sam!" Everyone just laughs as Pope sighs and pours himself another beer. I wipe my mouth with my arm,"Hey guys."

"Hey—you okay?" Kie sends me a genuine look and that's when I remember I have to tell her and Pope. "Fine. Absolutely fine."

"You sure? I thought you were a seltzer girl? I even brought you some in the cooler." Can he stop being so nice so I can just not want to look him in the eyes and thank him? "That's great J—I'm having beer," I don't mean for the words to come out with so much attitude but they do.

  Maybe if I'm rude enough he'd leave me alone to recover from seeing him while making out with Dean and confirming with myself that I like him.

  "Ok—I'm just letting you know," He throws his hands up in defense and walks away. We all watch as he walks away and then JB turns to me.

"You gonna tell them?" He says referring to Pope and Kie.

NICKNAMES [1], jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now