Part 6 No sleep

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(Listen I couldn't think of a good title 😒 I'll probably change it if I think of a better one)

Freezing cold
Luna tossed and turned in her new bed she couldn't get any sleep though, she didn't know if that was because of the fact that she was in a different room or if it was because of the cracks that Mira talked about. Or maybe it was the fact that her and Camilo almost KISSED "ughh how am I going to face him tomorrow" she grumbled and hid her face in the pillow.

Her cheeks burned red as she thought about her lips pressed against Camilo's. Luna sat up in the bed, her tail swished from side to side, she thought about going to Camilo's room it was obvious she wasn't going to get any sleep like this. But then again it was 4:00am who's awake at 4:00am she sighed and decided to go anyway. She threw the blanket off and started her way to her door.

As she got out of her room and made her way to Camilo's she heard a sound sort of like squeaking she decided to ignore it and kept walking. When Luna made her way to Camilo's door she just stood there she wasn't sure if she should knock, on one hand she wanted the company of the shapeshifter but on the other she didn't want to wake him up if he was sleeping. And what was she even supposed to say if he opened the door

Hey wanna hang out? no why would he want to hang out at 4:00 in the morning She thought to herself. She was about to turn around and go back to her room until she heard the twisting of the doorknob, she froze for a moment as Camilo opened the door. He didn't look like he had just woken up but he looked a little shocked to see Luna standing there at his door.

"Hi?" He laughed baffled "what are you doing up this late?" He asked quietly and tilted his head. Luna, who looked just as baffled as he did simply said "I'm cold" she averted her gaze trying not to look at him then sighed. "I was wondering if I could spend the night in your room.." she bit her lip "or at least stay until I feel tired" Camilo smiled at her and opened the door wider inviting her in "of course" Luna walked in and they both went and sat down on his bed.

"So what are you doing up this late exactly?" Camilo looked at her a bit worried "I could ask you the same" she gave him a smirk, Camilo's worried expression faded "I asked first!" He grinned leaning closer to her. Luna laughed "I just couldn't sleep that's all" she said hugging her knees "is that really all? You never have a hard time sleeping. And that didn't seem to be a problem when we shared a room" he lifted a finger and tapped her nose "boop"

It had been a very lame excuse, like he said she never had a hard time sleeping, maybe she just missed his company or it was about the cracks but she didn't want him to worry for her. Luna looked at him and smiled "maybe I just missed you" she giggled trying to brush off his worrying thankfully it worked "Hah I guess you couldn't stay away from me for long" he grinned and nudged her shoulder.

Luna laughed "yeah yeah whatever you say niño bonito" she lay her head on his shoulder as her eyes grew heavy. She felt Camilo lay down on the bed with her on his chest as he pet her over her soft hair and ears. She yawned tiredly and before she knew it she was fast asleep.

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