Part 3 Gift ceremony

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Luna walked out to see everyone was getting ready for her and Antonio's gift ceremony, it has been a month since she got here and she's been sharing a room with Camilo. She looked up and saw Camilo leaning on the staircase, they made eye contact and he gave her a wink. Luna blushed and scurried up the nursery, she heard a small tac noise so she looked under the bed.

She saw Antonio there and smiled as she crawled under the bed with him "room for one more?" She gave him a side smirk, he giggled and nodded. The month that she was here Luna and Antonio were the closest aside from her and Camilo, Luna, mirabel and Antonio would always hang out in the nursery together since the both of them were very nervous for the upcoming month.

But now it was here and tonight they would receive there gifts. "Nervous?" She asked and Antonio nodded "yeah me too" Antonio then looked at her. Soon mirabel joined them and they both got a plush from her, Antonio got a jaguar plush while Luna got a wolf plush they then made there way to outside where Pepa, felix, Camilo and Delores were waiting. Camilo saw that Luna was nervous and tried to make her feel better by imitating his dad it worked for a while but after Pepa, Felix and Delores left she grabbed Camilo and pulled him aside.

"Camilo I-I don't know if I can do this" she stuttered and looked at the ground. "It's going to be alright Bonita" he kissed her forehead "you'll do great" he reassured her she shook her head and hugged him "I can't do this by myself" "but your not alone mi hermano pequeño will be there with you" he patted her head "but if he's nervous then I'll get nervous" she looked up at him beggingly, Camilo gave her a worried expression and shook his head "I can't hermosa" he said looking at her but she wouldn't give up, Camilo sighed and looked at the ground.




The ceremony was about to start. As Pepa looked over the crowd she couldn't find Camilo anywhere "Delores" she whispered the young girl looked over at her mother "where is your brother" she whisper yelled, Delores pointed over to where Antonio was now standing with mirabel.

Luna came out and was hand in hand with Camilo Pepa covered her mouth then her hands went to her heart as she smiled at the scene. Abuela looked shocked a bit as the crowd gasped. Camilo squeezed lunas hand reassuringly as she looked up at him. "Let's go" he smiled at her "let's get you guys to your doors" mirabel chimed in as the four of them began to walk.

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