He didn't say anything, just smiled and continued eating.

Yejin didn't know what to think, they both acted as if nothing had happened, as if he hadn't ruined her beautiful relationship with a worthwhile man, as if he hadn't 'mistreated' her last night by not listening to her when she asked him to stop.

And he didn't even seem like he wanted to talk, he was a complete dilemma. Maybe in the past she managed to understand him, understand him and love him, but now... he changed his attitude when it suited him, or so it seemed, Yejin didn't understand anything about him anymore and didn't want to, even though it seemed that she was tied She will never love him in any sense, except the carnal sense.

And they only had breakfast in 'peace', if she could say, they really didn't say anything at any time, she didn't want to say anything, she just wanted to finish that breakfast and leave there and if possible, never return, neither to that place nor to return let's see. But the world was not in his favor that day.

"Finish quickly, we'll go to the mall."

She choked and then began to cough forcefully, he approached her to pat her on the back but Yejin walked away from him, abruptly standing up and moving away to the opposite side, not forgetting that in the process of her flight she knocked over the glass of water. glass.

Little by little she calmed down, immediately she looked at him with a surprised expression and then said. "Why would I have to go? I don't owe you anything!"

"Well, now you owe me a glass." He pointed to the broken glass scattered on the floor. "So the exit will make up for it." He spoke peacefully with a smile plastered on his terrifyingly handsome face.

She frowned, she wanted to throw a tantrum and slap that smile, but he was right, now she owed him a glass and if she didn't want any more trouble she better obey him.

So with a resigned sigh she nodded, then walked away.

"Where are you going? Didn't you just accept?"

"Yeah, but I'll go get a broom and clean up, clean up the mess."

He smiled. "That is my girl."

She stopped, turned to look at him and whispered. "Never." Then he continued his walk to look for the peacock bass and dustpan.

After she cleaned up, finished the meal, and he washed the dishes, they left.


What was she supposed to think, literally that was not in her plans, much less that she SHE did.

At that time, she was sitting in the living room of her best friend, Hyo Jin, who was sitting quietly on her sofa having a cup of tea after throwing the news at her like a bombshell.

"Is seriously?"

She took a sip of her tea and savored it, then nodded.

Yejin didn't know how to react, but she had an overwhelming desire to launch herself at her best friend.

"Hyo Jin, I could kiss you."

"It's not necessary, if you did I'm sure that if he finds out he'll want to kill me."

She ignored the comment. "When did you tell him to see us?"

"Today, this afternoon. So you better get ready, because even though he knows you're going, I doubt he'll want to see you for long, you literally broke his heart and I don't want to know how he'd be if he found out about your infidelity."

"And it won't, this is my chance to fix things and it's all thanks to you!" She smiled hugging her friend. "I love you HyoJin."

"Yes, yes, yes, me too." She patted him on the head and then pushed him away. "This is the only chance I'm giving you, so take advantage of it and don't screw it up, I don't think you'll get another chance like this."

"I know, and I thank you very much."


When she saw him entering through that glass door, she felt her heart beating at a great speed that Sonic himself would be envious of, there he was, so close but at the same time so far away.

He approached slowly and crestfallen, Jenin couldn't judge him, literally Hyo Jin had asked him to meet his ex-girlfriend and that wasn't very nice to say.

He sat across from her, still crestfallen. "Hello." He whispered without daring to look at her.

"Hello." She answered the greeting, with a growing discomfort in the environment.

She didn't know what else to say either, that 'talk' was created out of nowhere and Yejin hadn't planned it, not one bit.

Shortly after they found themselves asking for food and shortly after that they found themselves eating, still without bringing up a single topic.

"Hae In, I think I owe you an explanation of that day." She started.

He finally looked up and they stared at each other, finally she was able to see again his beautiful eyes that still had the same effect on her.

"You could say so. Hyo Jin insisted a lot on me to come for that very reason, she is very good at persuading."

She gave a light laugh. "That's how she is, but that's how you appreciate her."

They both laughed lightly, and then silence reigned again.

Little did they know, that close to them was a man completely obsessed with Yejin keeping an eye on them.

Hello! First of all, I am very sorry for the delay, seriously, many things happened at the beginning of this month, for example, I got sick and I was like that for a long time, but I feel better now

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Hello! First of all, I am very sorry for the delay, seriously, many things happened at the beginning of this month, for example, I got sick and I was like that for a long time, but I feel better now.

And also that tiktok is very addictive jsjsjs.

I sincerely hope that this time if I manage to comply with more updates and that another incident will not occur.

See you!

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