Part Eleven: Brewing storms

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The day is well into the afternoon as Charlie is showing her father the ropes to the rehabilitation center. Everyone is being on their best behavior, even Angel dust is trying his best not to act perverted around Lucifer.  Jack himself is trying to make lucifer feel comfortable. Surprisingly enough, the devil is a very good guest as he is very respectable to the staff. Granted it only really consist of 4 people but even still. 

"So this is the sharing circle, where we try t help better the sinners mentally,"  Charlie says to her father as they both sit in chairs. Sitting adjacent to them is Jack and Angel.

"Oh, well don't let me stop you on this one. I'm simply an observer."  Lucifer says

Charlie nods and summons her clipboard and pencil.  "So yesterday we covered Angel's problems. Today we're going to start with Jack."  This is met with a light groan from Jack.

"Alright let's just get this over. What's first on your list of questions?"  Jack asks

"Okay so first of all, do you know why you're down here?" Charlie asks to which Jack shakes his head.    "Alright, could you list your sins?"

"Murder, arson, theft, the attempt at murder, drugs at one point, The list goes on and on." Jack says to charlie just nodding.

"Okay let's start with the first one, how many people have you killed?"   This prompts Jack and Lucifer to laugh before regaining their composure.

"How many times have you blinked in your life Charlie?" Jack says which makes Charlie just shake her head.

"Please try to take this seriously Jack, otherwise we might not be able to reform you."

"No, I'm being serious Charlie, more than I care to count. I lost count roughly around the 400 mark. That happened 3 years ago." Jack says making Charlie and Vaggie's eyes widen as charlie writes down notes.

"um, okay. What was your cause for killing these people?"  Vaggie asks as Jack points to lucifer

"That one right there, and the demon taking residents inside my soul."

Charlie takes more notes as lucifer chuckles. "Guilty as charged."

Vaggie whispers something into Charlie's ear and they both give a nod. They both stand up and look at Jack who looks confused as to what's about to happen.

"I think we might have something to help you out in that department." This promo an eyebrow raise from Jack and a small frown from Lucifer who's looking at Jack.

"Such repulsive thoughts. even for Zarathos"  Lucifer mumbles under his breath

"We'll be right back."  Charlie and Vaggie walk out and come back a few minutes later with a vox tv on a cart, they plug it in and press play. It begins to show a bunch of dead people. And their families mourning their losses. The effects on the fathers, the mothers, and the children. All of which are not affecting Jack in the slightest. The video ends with Jack still having a stone-cold face. Which makes Charlie and Vaggie worried.

"So, what did you think of it?" Charlie asks.

"I thought it was boring and kinda weak to be honest."  Jack says to Lucifer nodding his head.

"Did that make you feel any remorse?"  Vaggie asks only to receive another chuckle from Jack.

"Nope, I ran out of remorse years ago." 

"You didn't feel anything for those people at all?"  Charlie says to Jack just shaking his head.

"Sorry Charlie, I don't feel anything like that anymore. I gave up on feeling a long time ago. The only thing that ties me to my humanity is my own flesh. When it isn't burned off." 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2022 ⏰

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