Now how the hell did he know it was me-


That means they probably saw me eavesdropping. But wait, all the times I've eavesdropped on them, they were speaking Italian and they don't know that I know how to speak Italian.

We is still safe.

"Valentina!" I hear Dad shout from downstairs.

I leave Vincents room and head downstairs.

"Yes Father you've summoned me?" I say entering the living room.

"Go and put clothes on, I'm taking you to the mall" Dad says getting up from the couch.

Ugh I hate going to the mall. I mean I've only gone once in my entire 15 years of living, cause I decided to sneak out and meet Tristan there. But anyways, malls are just so overwhelming crowded. I mean I'm still gonna go, I don't wanna disappoint Dad, also I want some food.

"Rodger that" I say turning around and heading upstairs to my room.

I head into my closet and put on this red sweater that Tristan gave me, along with some black leggings and my busted, borderline brown airforces.

I try to tie my hair into a low pony tail but my curls kept getting caught in the hair tie. I think I forgot to mention that I have curly hair. Well my dead beat mother. Literally.


She had really curly hair and I got a mix of her and Dads hair, so I have semi, but still really curly hair.

"Come on Val" Dad rushes from downstairs.

Don't you rush me🤨

I finally was able to put my hair into the ponytail.

"Coming" I say running out my room down the stairs.

"Don't run down the stairs Miele, it's dangerous" Dad scolds.
(Translation: Honey)

"Yea yea Pops won't let it happen again" I say completely lying.

"Non mentirmi bambina" Dad says in Italian.
(Translation: Don't you lie to me little girl)

"Huh" I say playing dumb.

Someone get me a damn Oscar.

"Nothing, lets go now" Dad says grabbing his car keys, opening the front door.

We walk to the garage and get into his car.

"Whos hoodie are you wearing? It doesn't like any of your brothers" Dad questions raising an eyebrow.

I swear everyone in this family has an obsession with either hugging or the raisage of thy eyebrows.

Let's not forget about kissing my big a*s forehead.

"Oh it's Tristans" I say putting my seatbelt on.

"Tristan?" Dad says pulling out the driveway.

"Yes Dad thats what I said" I say laughing a bit.

"I don't like that boy" Dad grumbled keeping his eyes on the road.

"Dad you haven't even met him" I say in defence.

"Well I don't know what his intentions are with my babygirl. And for the record I will not like any guy you talk to" He says.

"Trust me Dad, he has no intentions with me other then being my bestfriend" I say reassuringly.

"I don't know about that Valentina" Dad says pulling into the Malls parking lot.

"Well Dad you'll be able to evaluate him tomorrow cause he's coming over after school tomorrow" I say.

"Ok- Wait what?! What do you mean 'he's coming over tomorrow'?" Dad questions while parking the car.

"Well I haven't seen him in like a week Dad. We needa catch up" I say getting out the car.

"You do know that this is my house? Are you asking for permission for him to come over or are you telling me that he is?" Dad asks in a serious tone.

"Can he please come over? Please number 1 best Dad in the world?" I say pressing my hands together trying to muster up the best puppy dog eyes.

"Fine, but I'll be speaking with him first" Dad says locking the car door.

"Yes! Thanks Dad" I say giving him a quick hug.

"Alright, lets go and buy you things" Dad says walking towards the Mall entrance.

Into the Mall we go.

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