15. A perfect husband Material?

Start from the beginning

A lot. 

She was laughing so hard that Mr Arnold's attention from his Masterchef level cooking shifted to us.

He gave Kia a questioning look."Kia, what have you been talking about, huh?"

"Just telling Ari, how much of a perfect hubby material you are Nicky uncle.", Kia blurted innocently and I was left embarrassed. I turned around to Mr Arnold, my face burning red. 

Mr Arnold was looking at me in an amusing way. He was definitely laughing on the inside while I was left embarrassed.

"From where are you learning all these things Kia?", Mr Arnold asked in a stern voice. Kia suddenly stopped laughing as she turned towards Mr Arnold.

"Sorry, Nicky uncle but I didn't say anything wrong," Kia answered back with an apology. I was happy that she was so contrite. That's when I realized, she was growing up really fast.

I sighed. "Alright, the dough is ready, Kia. We are going to roll it and then you can cut your favourite shapes out of them. Are we ready?", I asked with a confident voice so that Mr Arnold stops playing the headmaster role.

"Yes. Yes, we are ready.", Kia exclaimed, matching my energy. We were as excited as kids in a fair with a chocolate sweet.

And Mr Arnold?

He grunted. 


Total Grumpy bear.

I rolled my eyes as Kia cut the dough into little squares, shapes and then rolled them out. The oven was preheated to 300 degrees and I placed the cookies in the oven and set the timer.

"Done.", I smiled at her as I wiped up the kitchen counter."Now you can go sit in the living room and I'll get something for us to eat, alright baby? After all, we deserve a treat after all the hard work we have done."

She gave me a hug. Then she ran out of the kitchen and I was left alone with Mr Arnold. He was looking at me in a weird way. I wanted to ask him what was the matter but I knew it would be a waste of time.

 He was already grumpy. So I decided to ignore his weird look.

I was so into thinking about how much of a disaster it was when I and my mother baked together in this kitchen for the first time that I didn't even realize, Mr Arnold, who was standing next to me watching the cookies being baked, had turned all his attention on me. "So what do you think Ms Summers, hmm?"

"What are we talking about again?", I was boiling milk, call me childish but I can't help it. I would dunk the cookie in my milk. Mumma and I love dunking cookies in milk. It's the best way to eat them and I really wanted to do this with Kia.

I was so in my own world that I didn't notice when my cookies were done. I was so immersed in my own little world that I didn't hear the timer go off. It was then I realized when a whiff of vanilla hit me. And there it was. The smell of freshly baked cookies.

Mr Arnold had taken the cookies out of the oven and was cooling them down. He then kept the cookies on a tray and came towards me."So what do you think? Am I perfect husband material?"And once again I was left dumbfounded. Why must he ask such questions from me? And why did he want to know my opinion?

I was thinking about the answer when Mr Arnold came closer to me."Tell me?"

I turned my back to him pouring milk in three glasses."Why are you asking that to me, hmm? Not that it's me who's going to be your wife." I blurted out. My face got red when I realized the way I responded. I should've just kept my mouth shut so that he doesn't think I'm stupid.

Damn you Ari!

Damn you to the hell and back!

I facepalmed myself, closing my eyes in utter despair and misery. I was so disappointed in myself. I was such a fool. Why don't I enrol myself in some communicating classes?

It's declared, Arielle Summers meaning me, is the most awkward girl in the world.

I decided to spare a glance at Mr Arnold and I had to double-check because he had the facial expression which you get when you curl your lips upwards.

Mr Nicolas freaking Arnold was f*cking smiling. Two cute dimples popped on either side of his face and I found myself admiring them. 

"Are you smiling?" I can't believe it.

He chuckled, his grin still plastered on his face. 

Forgetting my awkwardness and the silly statement I said a few seconds before, I just smiled at him. "You have a beautiful smile. You should try to smile more, Mr Arnold.", I genuinely meant it. He really looked more beautiful when he smiled.

As I said, things deserving appreciation should be appreciated. And right now, I was looking at Mr Arnold's beautiful smile. He seemed to be thinking about what I said.

The smile on his face slowly faded and then it was replaced by a smirk."You thought I didn't know to smile?"

"Why are you so interested in my thoughts?", I asked suspiciously while keeping the cookies and milk glasses in a tray. There was no way I am letting him go away with it today.

"You really want to know?", he asked me, a strange smile still lingering on his face.

"Yes, I guess I want to know," I answered back with no hesitation at all. It's been a while since I had to answer questions from someone.

"Alright then. I'll tell you.", he whispered to me, the smile still on his face. "Tomorrow, 10:30 at the Christmas party.", he said as he took the tray and walked away. As he was walking away, I could hear him saying, "I'll be waiting for you, darling."

What Christmas party?



Did he just call me darling?


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