1 | The interview

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Dianna missed New York.

She missed her friends, her family, her apartment with a view she could grow old with. She thought about New York a lot, but she was here. She was in Boston. She had the chance to do everything she ever wanted and she didn't want to take it for granted.

She was pulled from her thoughts when she heard her name being called. She looked up smiling at the old man who she knew to be Harlan Thrombey, before following him into his office. Dianna had been desperate to even be considered for a position at blood like wine publishing company, but now she was sitting in the office of Harlan thrombey she couldn't help the nerves that were running through her body. She tried to keep her breathing calm as he began.

"It's nice to finally meet you miss Finley, I have heard a lot about you"

"Yo- you have?" She was shocked that he had heard anything at all

"Yes. Once I saw your application I decided to do some research, I called anyone I could and everyone said the same thing"

"If you don't mind me asking, what was that?"

"That you're an incredibly hard worker, you go to extra lengths. All the stuff I like to hear and then I found these" he opened the top drawer in his desk pulling out two different binders "these are the first books you ever wrote?"

Dianna was confused to how he had found them. She was sure the only ones to have a copy was her and her professor- her professor, of course. Dianna then nodded knowing exactly where he had got them "yes, I had wrote a couple of chapters before but they were my first two complete books"

Harlan nodded "well, for them being your first books they are really good. I'm impressed for someone your age to produce something like this is seriously impressive"

"Thank you sir, that is an honour coming from you"

"Please call me Harlan, we are going to be good friends Dianna. So tell me, when can you start?"

Dianna felt the smile take over her face. She was shocked, she had hardly had an interview and yet here he was offering her the job. "You're offering me the job?" She asked him in shock

He chuckled nodding "yes. This day has been extremely boring, every person who has walked through that door has told me about how much they want to work here because of how popular the company is. They show no real drive, they just like then thought of working here but from what I've heard about and from what I see right now you'll be a great addition here. So tell me, will you take it?"

Dianna quickly nodded "yes, of course I will"

Harlan reached his hand over the table "well it's a pleasure to be working with you Dianna"

She took his hand shaking it "thank you so much for this Harlan, I really really appreciate this"

"Let's go see your office" he smiled standing up


Dianna had spent the rest of the day at her new office. She got to know everyone and even got to know Harlan a little better, she was still to meet Walt but she would do that on Monday. From what Harlan told her Walt was a pain in the ass but he was good at what he did.

She was now back home, sitting in front of the tv with how I met your mother playing in the background. She couldn't understand why her professor would send her books to Harlan, Not after the way things ended between the two. She hadn't stopped thinking about it since Harlan had mentioned them, maybe it was his last good deed as a teacher or maybe it was an ex trying to pry his way back into Dianna's head. If he was hoping for the second option it was working. She hovered over his contact again and again but every time she would lock her phone throwing it onto the sofa before she dared to call.

She stared at her phone on the sofa

"This is stupid. I'm an adult, he's an adult. I can call and say thank you" she huffed as she grabbed her phone going straight to his contact once more. However this time she went through with it, the ringing filling the room

Dianna was beginning to think there was a higher force telling her not to call, as the call rang again and again with no answer but on the final ring he answered.

"Anna?" She rolled her eyes at the nickname, she hated being called that from day one.

"Hey Tyler, I just called to say thanks."

There was silence over the line. That was until she realised he had no idea what she was talking about.

"I mean for sending my books to Harlan, I think it might have landed me the job"

"You got the job?" Tyler questioned, the excitement in his voice travelling down the call

"Yeah, yeah I did" she nodded to herself

"That's amazing Anna, I'm so proud of you"

"Thanks and thank you again for sending the books over" she was really beginning to regret calling, she had no idea what to say to him.

"Look, I'm in town in a couple of days could we maybe meet up?"

"I don't think that's a good idea we-"

"Just one coffee, I'll pay"

Dianna sighed running her hand over her face

"Okay, okay. One coffee" Dianna didn't want to be rude, she didn't want to turn him down. Even though every part of her was practically screaming to tell him no.

"I'll text you once I'm in town, see you soon"

"Yeah, see you soon" she sighed again as she hung up

"Why did I have to call him" she spoke to herself as she turned to volume back up on her tv, throwing herself into another episode of how I met your mother

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