𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞

Start from the beginning

"It's literally nightime." Tonks comments.

"Don't break ranks. Black, stay close."

The breeze of night was cold and hair standing as Aurora realized she missed flying on a broomstick like she would in a match of Quidditch. Due to unwavering tournament in her last year, her hopes was crushed of believing she would've defeated the Hufflepuff team. Oh, how she would've loved to see the look on Cedric's —


Aurora shook her head and mindlessly lands swiftly on the ground like the rest wherein Tonks almost flew towards the deserted hour by the power of the Firebolt. She sheepishly smiles and apologizes and puts the broomstick away like the rest did. Aurora looks around cautiously, letting the muggle village sink in her nerves.

"It's bloody dark." Tonks argues when they all crammed inside the small spaced house, unknowingly flowing through the living room and then to the kitchen.

"Quiet!" Hissed Mad-eye whom held a sinister snarl.

"I'll be quiet when — Oh, bloody —" Before any of them knew it, Tonks crashed into the dining area and a plate was destroyed by her feet, creating a loud noise that may get them caught. "Whoops — Who did that?" Tonks snarls in a menacing whisper.

"Nice going." Aurora whispers back, frustrated by the amount of times she's crashed into someone. She took her want out of her sleeve and waves it over the broken plate, letting it be repaired with a murmer of a spell before setting it down on the table.

"Nice work." Remus says, putting light into the hectic atmosphere of theirs. Aurora hesitates and takes the plate back but only this time, placing it on the kitchen counter away from Tonks this time who seemed offended. "Let's go upstairs. Must've heard us bicker for a long time now."

"I blame Moody." Tonks says and walks past her mentor who curses her mentally for that snide comment.

Walking up the narrowed steps was difficult when they were all adult Wizards with precautionary necessities. They reached a locked door and Mad-eye was the one who enchants it to open. It was still dark, apparently no one thought about opening the hallway lights to ease their suffering from the small house.

The door opens and Aurora has her wand firmly on hold of her sweaty palm. If ever it wasn't the cousin she's been dreading to see the whole month since she hasn't, she'd be so pissed.

A wand points at them and she knew most of the Advance guard pointed their as well like she did. "Lower your wand, boy, before you take someone's eye out!" Moody snarls viciously, realizing it's just Harry.

"Professor Moody?"

"Not really a professor, per say." Aurora says, stepping forward and sees from the shadows where Harry stood, shocked to hear her comforting voice and familiar figure to see. "Hiya, Harry. Been a good summer?" She asks with a smile.

"A — Aurora?" Harry wanted to be sure. With the dementors and nobody giving him a blunt answer from his letters, he didn't want to be wrong. Before Aurora could hug him in greetings, Moody stops the girl that startled Harry, making him stand on point once more.

"Oh, for Salazar's sake — He's Harry." Aurora grits, tired of Alastor's paranoia ruining a supposed tender moment between her and her lovely cousin.

"How are you so sure when we're in the dark?" Moody counters fairly.

"Why are we still standing in the dark?" Tonks asks that slightly made them all think for the better. "Lumos." She casted and a bolt of light comes out the tip of her wand, shooting bright light in the middle of the hallway and small staircase. If their neighbors would see them from the inside, they'd see a blinding light coming out of a window.

"See?" Aurora snorts, pointing her open palm to her cousin. "Harry James Potter." She declares finally and the boy smiles, meeting her halfway on the hallway to hug her with such love. "Merlin. We need to stop meeting like this, don't you think?" She whispers.

Harry chuckles through a breathless stature, nodding with his eyes closed.

"Ooh he looks just like I thought he would." Tonks says that made the two part away. Aurora ruffles Harry's hair before stepping back for the Advance guard to see him clearly. "Wotcher, Harry!"

"Yeah, I see what you mean, Remus." Now Harry sees Professor Lupin standing near Moody with a warm smile on his face for him. "He looks exactly like James."

"Except the eyes." Remus adds, "They're like Lily's eyes."

"Are you sure it's him, Lupin?" Growled Moody. "It'd be a nice lookout if we bring some Death eater impersonating him. We ought to ask him something the real Potter would know. Unless anyone brought any Veritaserum?"

Aurora and Tonks rolled their eyes. "Don't mind him. He's a bit paranoid nowadays." Aurora pats Harry's shoulder before her figure rests on the crooked hallway. "Harry, what was the most embarrassing moment in Ron's life last year in Hogwarts." Aurora snickers, recalling treasured moments like those to light up her day.

"When he asked Fleur Delacour to the Yule Ball in public." It was funny because Harry didn't hesitate. Aurora and him share a laugh apart from tense atmosphere.

"Yeah, that's my cousin." Aurora says in between laughs.

"Why'd Ron ask your girlfriend out?"

"Funny story —"

"— Tonks, Black. Out of topic!"

𝐂𝐫𝐮𝐞𝐥𝐭𝐲 ; Fleur DelacourWhere stories live. Discover now