CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX: As the Crow Flies ...

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Mr. Unger waits until Dylan and the Old Bone Woman are gone before he asks me, "Jake, anything you need to tell me?"

"What's a Kyöpelinvuori?" I want to know what I'm gonna be walking into when I go to the Once-Kingdom. For all I know, that's a fancy way to say gateway to hell.

"It means Ghost Mountain."

"Well, that explains everything."

The corner up his mouth itches upward into a smile. Mulling over his words, he finally says, "Ever hear of sinkholes opening up and swallowing houses?"


"Well, a Ghost Mountain ain't got nothin' to do with a mountain. Magical places ... they weren't meant to be abandoned. If a coupla monsters go into it, they'll slaughter each other. It's like the magic turns rancid and they can't do nothin' besides attack each other."


"Not every why has an answer. And this is one that might have an answer, but nobody around here knows it. We got one of the Kyöpelinvuori 'round here. There's a place called the Once-Kingdom."

"I've heard of it."

"Well, it was abandoned after the war. It became one of them places. Some monsters, not realizing what it was, thought they'd move on in. They slaughtered each other. No other monsters could go in there or they'd meet the same fate. One monster's fine. More than one, they butcher each other. There was some talk about turning the Once-Kingdom into a place where human folk could live, but no monster would abide that. And nobody's willing to let any other monster live there."

"Because if another one would go in, they'd kill each other."

"Uh-huh. But that's nothin' you gotta worry about." He leans closer, "Now, is there anything else you wanna tell me?"


"Boy, we both know that ain't true." He sighs. "You can't bullshit a bullshitter. Kon's in trouble, so you're here for them Tidal Gems, right?"

Well, THAT makes me do a double-take!

Not sure where this is going, I say, "I guess so."

"She always figured that Mirabelle would show up again." After gnawing on his lip, he adds, "Tomorrow, I'll head over to Belle Lake and get them. I'll talk to the Mourner and get them gems."

That's a name I won't forget, not after what the uktena showed me.

"You don't want me to go to Belle Lake because you're afraid they'll find out about me." To make sure there's no doubt, I finish, "I know that I have Glass Magic."

Mr. Unger looks like he just downed a gallon of sour milk and makes a low whistle. "I reckon Kon and me knew you'd find out. She'll be relieved that you did. Neither one of us'll steer you wrong, boy."

"I know."

Not giving me a chance to say anything, he says, "We'll talk more in the morning. For now, get some sleep. In these parts, the night's only good for sleeping. Out in the dark ain't no place good folks want to be."

He eases out of the chair and walks down the hall. I follow without a word. King isn't too happy about it. He keeps glancing back, plastered to Mr. Unger's leg. A crowbar couldn't pry that dog off the old man right now. But I'm sure that if I try to sneak out tonight that the dog will let Mr. Unger know.

After shuffling through some cupboards, Mr. Unger pulls out a crinkled up envelope. "I gotta take care of this first."

Without another word, he shakes the envelope and rips it open. Little balls of magic explode out of it, ricocheting off the floor and walls like manic ping pong balls. Everywhere they touch turns bright with colors and keeps spreading, suddenly becoming new. Even the kitchen looks fantastic, the splintered cabinets now look brand new with polished handles. The holes disappear, the walls growing back. Even the tile isn't broken anymore. No pieces are missing. No cracks.

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