CHAPTER EIGHT: Orphans of War and Blood Brothers

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I've never been mauled by a wolf before and pretty happy to be able to still say that. The wolves pounce on me. I guess they think I'm okay now. Them piling on me reminds me just how hurt my shoulder still is. It's not nearly as bad as it was before, but it still hurts.

After shoving Skinny-wolf off me, I pause. Kon's kitsunebi. I can feel it again! But ... something's wrong. The ito feels so durn cold. It's like an icicle tethering me to Kon's magic.

"Mom ..."

Seeing my panic, Kon reassures me, "Koto, it will feel as it once did. Soon."

"So everything's okay? You're sure?"

"Yes, Kit. It is."

All of a sudden, Kon winces hard and grabs the side of her neck, like a hornet just stung her. Shrugging off the pain, Kon hops behind a tree trunk and changes into a fox.

"Are we sure everything's okay, Mom?"

<<Koto, all is well,>> Kon says, sensing my reluctance. Her thought in my head is like a warm blanket wrapping around me.

"Shouldn't we check on your kitsunebi? Just to make sure ... Maybe you should summon it."

<<Yes, Koto.>> Right after that thought, though, she does a 180 on me. <<No need. All is well.>>

"But you just said that we should--"

<<All is well!>>

Kon's ears swivel and twitch. She keeps glancing back to the woods, as if every shadow is calling out to her. She rubs against my leg the way a cat would. When I sink down to my knees, she presses her furry face in mine. Her nose flinches, shifting her whiskers up and then down. She nuzzles my neck fondly, something I wish she wouldn't do in front of the wolves. They aren't making fun of me, but I know what Wrinkles is thinking--Awww, how cute!

Luc, not paying any attention to me, takes off his clothes and changes into a huge wolf. He rears back his head and lets out a booming howl.

<<He has given me an invitation. It is a glorious night, indeed! I shall run with a wolf!>> Kon explains. << Koto, This is a rare gesture. It would be an offense to decline such a privilege.>>

I guess it's more common to be chased by them. I have the good sense to keep that last thought to myself.

She flashes me a look. Is that pity? <<Remain here, Koto. We will soon return.>>

"You sure you're okay?" After she sneezes to signal yes, I sigh and mutter, "Okay."

After Kon leaps over Luc, they take off and leave me behind.

I wouldn't be able to keep up anyway. Besides, a human can't fit in the places that a fox can. Well, neither can an Amarok. Kon can leave him in the dust if she wanted to. Today, I guess she doesn't.

Maybe this is something to show that there are no hard feelings between us and them. I guess that's a thing about foxes and wolves. They can hold a grudge forever, but if you make amends then it's over. With humans, it gnaws at us, depending on what the person's done. I don't trust these guys. Kon does, so I'm supposed to follow her lead.

Fine. But the crows can rot, surrounded by all of their perdies. I guess Kon and Luc will work out calling off the Widow Boys. Just another thing that this dumb human doesn't have to stick his nose into.

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