-Chapter 1. Destiny Be Damned

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Fenris - Drums n Blood


As a child - like any other - I always admire such brave warriors. Both Drengr and those who wielded Seiðr, like in the stories.

The time I have grown into a young man of age, I decided to dedicate myself to the warriors' way. I was aspired to reach for that dream. However, like most dreams, you wake up from such dreams.

Like all children, I once dreamt of being a warrior and having myself the honor of walking in the halls amongst heroes. The sagas encouraged us, entailed with tales of mighty warriors defeating their foes and Gods slaying the Giants.

But the sagas left out the truth of battles, the very things sons and daughters witnessed to see their families, friends or comrades in arms soaked in blood and others stinking of rotting death.

I gotten to see that early in my childho-

"Pay attention you shits!"

Out of my thoughts, I jerk my head up and faced ahead. Our Jarl who had appointed him, Ulrik. Our fearless leader of this Warband was standing high upon the prow as I and others continue to row forward.

"We, are Raiders!"

Everyone roar to his chant.

"To pillage and plunder for we are Vikings!"

Stomps and roar and beating their shields in replace of the sound. Like a mighty drum being pounded, was enough to create ripples in waters.

"You forgot seafaring folks and poets with a bit of a flair Ulrik!" A Vikinger joke as others chuckled or barked of laughter.

Everyone here aboard with fire in their hearts roared their support to Ulrik. Ulrik pointed towards a town, with its large temple - a church - in the center that towers over.

He grins wolfishly, "Do not think these priests men and their christian warriors are helpless or weak. Hidden behind their peace, they will bleed you dry if you refuse their god."

One of the men cried out, "Shields!"

My view now focused only on what was ahead of us. Arrows gust across from the shore, across the waters to us.

I followed the order on instinct. I gripped the handle of my shield and raised it above me while my other hand on the oar I still row, feeling the fire burning in my veins as it did every time I held true.

Two arrows landed a hit on my shield with a thunk and I heard one hit one of the warriors, struck through their plate armor with a clang. I dropped my shield and focus on rowing the rest of the way.


I turn to see another Viking longship next to us. Rowing a quick, ramming-like speed. The one who called to Ulrik was none other the Jarl's son, Flay.

"Ulrik! To be not daft, stay out of my way!" Mocked Flay.

Such an arrogant swine fool. This is his first raid. Strong for certain but lacks experience.

I, the Jarl's champion, why must I protect him if he can't stand to listen to reason.

"Flay! You fucker!" Snarled Ulrik. "I ordered you to stay behind your shieldsmen and us! You are practically naked defenseless out in the open!"

Ulrik says that but Flay acted mighty and proud on the front of his ship wearing but a smug on his face. Whilst an arrow whips past his head.

Crazy bastard.

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