Chapter 03

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Gwyn came straight from the airport to the hospital. She hadn't slept since Tommy had told her what had happened to TK in the ice, and two days had passed since then. Two days spent searching for a flight, two whole days with both Austin's airport and the closest ones closed. Two days in which she had searched for a way to arrive by road without wasting more time than necessary.

Two days since her son entered the hospital, Gwyn arrived. She left her suitcase in the car she'd rented at the airport and almost ran inside.

"TK Strand," she said breathlessly to the nurse at the entrance. "I'm his mother."

The woman was of a similar age to her, and Gwyn found herself met with a look of pity for the state her son was in. She gave her the number of the room and told her that, a couple of hours ago, TK had been moved from the ICU to a ward.

"Is he out of danger?" she asked the nurse, hoping that the woman would be able to give her all the answers she needed.

"I'm sorry, honey, but I don't know. All I know is that he was in bad shape when they brought him in, but the doctors have done an exceptional job. Right now, he's recovering from the transplant."

"Transplant? What transplant? Why has nobody told me anything about a transplant?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you were here because, as his mother, you'd be a compatible donor for sure. But, don't worry, it's already been done. I'm sure everything is okay."

"They've already done the transplant? My ex-husband, Owen Strand, TK's father... Did he make it?"

"Not that I know of. The poor boy was alone until this other lad arrived. Your son's co-workers have been waiting here, and then another friend arrived. I don't remember his name because he came in here like a whirlwind and I barely saw him, but my colleagues tell me that... Well, I imagine you already know, but that boy loves your son very much."


"Yes, Carlos Reyes, that's right! It was lucky that he was so compatible with your son."

"That's what I used to think, too," Gwyn murmured under her breath, then walked towards the elevator.

The boys were in the same room, like some sort of twist of fate, Gwyn thought as she watched them sleep.

Their situations obviously weren't the same. TK was still connected to the machines, with that damn tube in his mouth. His skin was pale, almost transparent, and his chest moved slowly. Before she had entered, the doctor had told her that they would take the tubes out that afternoon if TK's body reacted well to the emergency transplant they'd done the night before.

Carlos, on the other hand, was just sleeping. His operation had gone well, they'd extracted enough of his liver to save TK, and he would be fine with a couple of days rest.

Gwyn walked towards her son's bed, sitting down next to him and stroking his cheek. She took his hand and kissed it—it was as cold as if he'd only just come out of the ice. The silence surrounding her made her nervous; she wanted to tell her son so many things, she wanted to tell him she was sorry for taking so long, she wanted to tell him that she was thinking of coming to live in Austin for a while. Enzo was already looking at an apartment for when he and TK's little brother arrived in a few days.

But she didn't say anything, and it was a struggle to hold in her tears. She remained in place, monitoring every breath TK took, fearing that, if she turned around or stopped looking at him, something terrible would happen to her son.

"Hey Gwyn."

She turned upon hearing Carlos's voice, and they looked at each other for a moment.

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