🦁Long live the king🦁

Start from the beginning

Grim:" it was only a dream...I thought I'd knock Riddle out and become the strongest wizard ever. So disappointed" he laid back staring bored at the ceiling and I did the same.

You:" we really been through a lot and it hasn't been a whole week" I said and grim nodded agreeing coco joined laying on my stomach we sat in a comfortable silence until grim jumped up hyper.

Grim:"Okay! Time to get going...Another day closer to becoming a great wizard! Y'know~" he said throwing his arm in the air and coco did the same  my lips lifted slightly upwards.

You:" you pretty energetic today, that's not bad, let's hope you don't lose it in class" I said getting up they both jumped on my shoulder and went out to get ready.

Time skip~

Location- cafeteria

Grim:" ugh~ mr. Trein has to be using some sort of a spell to put me to sleep" said grim laying his head on top of mine as we heading to the cafeteria my prediction was right not even 5 minutes in first period his excitement was gone.

Grim:"No matter how much I resist I lose to drowsiness"

Deuce:" you fell asleep not even 5 minutes in. That's not resisting" deuce scolded I stayed silent through the whole walk until we reached the cafeteria.

Ace:"lunch time, what should I have today~" he sing walking in we all stopped when we saw the cafeteria more crowded.

Ace:"..hmm? The cafeteria is extra crowded today"

You:" joyful" I said sarcastically not really liking the many people in one place a ghost with a chef hat pushing a cart stopped beside us.

Cafeteria ghost:" today is a special day that happens once a month! A super popular bakery in town is here to promote at school! It sells out fast so early bird gets the worm!" The ghost left with the cart and students gathered around him.

Student A:" three chocolate croissant for me!" A student Shouted waving his hand.

Student B:" I actually got something this month! This egg salad sandwich is the best!" Another student said hugging his food close to his chest.

Cafeteria Ghost:" the egg salad sandwich is already sold out! There's only one deluxe minchi Katsu sandwich left!"

Ace:"everything looks really tasty, I might have to go get something "

Deuce:"it's really popular, do you want something from it (y/n)?" He turned his head to me and I shook mine.

You:" thanks, tho it all looks good I just want my ramen and green tea" I said not looking at him tho I didn't miss the disappointment in his face.

Deuce:" alright, what about you Grim...huh?" I didn't need to look next to me to know.

You:" the hungry beast has been unleashed" I said unfazed already used to it by now.

Grim:" outta me way! That deluxe minchi Katsu sandwich is mine!" Grim shouted jumping on people's heads heading to the front of the line.

Student A:" hey jerk, no cutting the line" one student said angry after grim bounced on his head.

Student B:" you've got some nerve cutting in front of your seniors, freshman! Get outta here!" The seniors tried to grab him but grim jumped off before he did that I sighed.

Deuce:" he loses himself to food way too easily!" Said deuce shocked by the sudden change in grim when a Second ago he was ready to doze off.

Ace:"Ugghh aahhh" he sighed and I did the same.

A Ninja? ( Twisted Wonderland x a Naruto reader) Where stories live. Discover now