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Jacob wakes up a bit groggy. He's sluggish, slow to put his clothes on, his feet feel like they're made out of lead as he drags them around. He's so tired that he doesn't realize that Edward hasn't moved from his spot on the bed. Jacob assumes that he's a bit more drained that he'd usually be. Maybe he hadn't had enough cups yesterday and the exhaustion had hit him like a truck. It hadn't helped that Bear had been extra fussy, refusing to be in her car seat for most of the day as Edward shadowed Jacob. Jacob decides to let him rest for a little while longer, instead heading downstairs towards the coffee maker. He practically pours a cup with his eyes closed before leaning against the island to slowly drain his mug. 

He's so enthralled in his first cup that he almost misses the walking pile of pillows headed for the stairs. 

"Leah?" He calls out and watches as she pokes her head around the pile to get a good look at him.

He raises his eyebrows in a silent question.

"They're for your boyfriend," she answers, turning back for the stairs.

"All of them?" He asks, eyeing the stack. 

There must be about seven or eight pillows clutched to her chest. What the hell was Edward going to do with that many pillows?

"Yeah," she says as if it's a no-brainer, "he's going to need them." 

Jacob blinks a few times, wondering if his coffee wasn't strong enough this morning, as he tries to figure out what she means by that. Why would he need them? Had he had some kind of talk with Leah that he hadn't mentioned to Jacob? Maybe they were supposed to help with his arm pain. He wasn't sure how, but maybe his mattress was older than he thought.

"For?" Jacob asks, eyes going towards the stairs as if that was going to help him understand.

Leah looks at him with this expression that he's been getting a lot lately. He can feel the disappointment all the way on the other side of the kitchen. 

"He's nesting," she says, once again, like it makes complete and utter sense. 


"He's a vampire, vampires don't nest." Jacob reminds her, arguing a case that he knew he wasn't going to win. 

His brain was foggy, though, so he throws the statement out there anyway.

"Vampires also don't raise werewolf children, don't share a bed with a werewolf, don't eat human food every once and a while, and don't break and bleed easily," Leah informs him, "but yours does and right now, he's nesting." 

Then, he's watching her scurry up the stairs with her hoard of pillows that she plans to hand off to Edward.

Jacob heads up after her, coffee long forgotten, as he peeks in to see a pile of pillows starting to form on the bed already. Edward's meticulously placed them so that they cushion the wall next to him and the headboard above him. Within the pile is Edward and on top of him, pressed to his chest, is Bear. 

He's nesting. 

Leah quietly dumps the pile of pillows on Jacob's side of the bed before quickly exiting the room. He heads over, knowing it's fruitless before he even tries, and slowly shakes Edward's shoulder to get his attention. He doesn't even open his eyes as he snuggles further into the pile.

"Baby, we're going to be late for work." He whispers and gets nothing in response.

So, he's going it alone today. 

He stands up from the bed, walks towards the doorway, and finds himself lingering. He heads back over, checks to make sure Bear's alright. He checks to see if Edward's arm is in a good position. He puts his scent on some of the pillows Leah brought up before turning for the door. 

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