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Edward's had his life turned upside down on several occasions. It tended to come with his set of circumstances, but this kid showing up in his life was the start of a record for the amount of curve balls life was throwing at him. Honestly, he feels awkward as he slides back into the cop car and gets settled in the passengers seat. His knowledge on Black was surface level at best. Even though he'd admittedly tried to hand all of his problems off to him just a few days prior, he could count on one hand what he knew about the guy. He just had this warmth around him that Edward could sense, that and the fact that he looked at Edward like he was gum on the bottom of his shoe on most days, told him everything he needed to know. Good people tended not to like him. It was like they could tell he was hiding something horrible underneath the facade he'd created to survive. He could take care of her. 

Edward peeks up into the rearview mirror as he waits for Black to stop chatting it up with one of the other officers. He can barely see Bear over the hood of her car seat, but he can hear her light breaths as she naps. When he glances back over, Black has made himself comfortable against the other officer's cop car, arms folded as he leans into the open window to talk to the other cop. It seems almost intimate as he smiles warmly at the female officer who doesn't look like she's going to shut up any time soon.

Edward can feel a surge of irritation that he tries to swallow down as the man switches his weight to the other leg, hips shifting with the movement. He's had a long day and he just wants  to go home and take a hot shower. 

Honestly, it feels as if he's drawing a crowd as Officer Newton sidles up to join in the conversation. Edward watches as Newton blatantly gets a good gander at Black's ass when he turns back to the woman to respond to something she said. He can see the female officer's eyebrows raise ever so slightly when she notices him looking, but she must not mention it because Black doesn't say anything to the man or straighten up. Or maybe she had said something and he didn't care. Maybe he liked the attention, maybe he wanted his co-worker to stare.

Edward thinks about starting the siren. 

Before he can do so, Black stands up and heads for the car, waving off the other two officers as he heads over. He climbs in and glances over at Edward who is skimming over a file when he finally gets settled into the driver's seat.

"Sorry about that."

Edward only bothers with a huff in response. 

He had barely spoken a word to Black since he'd gotten his job at the police station, so it was only fitting that their first real conversation was a fight. Edward's irritation immediately seeps into the bickering, which wasn't the best idea when someone only seems tolerate and pity him. Black looks over at him like he's a cockroach, nose crinkling in disgust as they argue.

"I've seen your house. No one is going to think a family lives in that glass box." Black says, vexed expression in place as he glances over at Edward who is genuinely annoyed.

"As opposed to your house? My house already has all of her stuff in it. If you wanted her to be in your house, you should've taken her in the first place." Edward bickers back, throwing an incredulous look over to the driver's side of the car. 

"Yeah, speaking of, why does one man own such a large house?" It was clearly a question to throw Edward off of his game, dodging the last part of his rant, as they pull up to that godforsaken diner that Black seems to love so much. 

"I could ask you the same thing. How many bedrooms are in that red menace you call a home?" He huffs as he climbs out of the passengers seat to unbuckle the car seat. 

"I have a family. They stay over sometimes. Plus, I like red. Who doesn't like red?" The man says, a smirk of contempt on his face as he slams the back door behind Edward.

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