15. Removing Her From The House

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A feeling of misery engulfed Anupama. She realized that her position had become lower than that of a servant in just one day.

The servant could go home and sleep after finishing the day's work. But where could she go? To her father's house? That was impossible.

She had never felt comfortable in Lakshmi Nivas, but it had been her home until the day before. Not any longer! A home, after all, is not made up of just the four walls- there must be affection and love, as well. So where was the place she could call home? Where would she find kindness and trust? With Anand?

But how would she reach England? She did not know the answers to any of the questions that plagued her. Anupama was no longer allowed to do any work in the house and she began to feel humiliated and suffocated.

The whole town was probably talking about her now. Sunaina's friend would have spread the news faster than the speed of light, and Anupama was sure people were saying all kinds of things. 'Did you know that Anupama has a white patch? Poor girl!' 'She thought she was a beauty queen. Serves her right!

Anupama was worried about Anand as well. He was thousands of miles away from her. She was afraid Sunaina would convince him that she had had the white patch before their marriage. Would he believe her or his mother? He was the only one who knew that she had not had the patch at the time of their marriage.
Anand is not like these people. He is a doctor. Surely, he will persuade his mother to see reason, Anupama told herself repeatedly.

Each day felt like a year-there seemed to be no end to her torment. How could she carry on like this?

The end came very swiftly. The following morning, from her first floor room, Anupama saw Satish entering Lakshmi Nivas.

She had not expected them to end for her father so soon.

Since Sunaina was already in the room, Anupama stood behind the door and watched as Satish took a seat on the edge of the sofa opposite her mother-in law.

'I received your telegram last night. But as there is no night bus service from our village to the city, I had to take the first bus this morning. I apologize for the delay. Is everything all right with Anupama?'

'What can happen to her? She is hale and hearty.'

'Is there any news from Anand?'

'He is fine.'

'Is something wrong?' Satish was anxious to know why a telegram had been sent summoning him urgent.

'Nothing is wrong, apart than the fact that you deceived us and took advantage of our goodness. You are a poor schoolteacher, and your daughter looked so innocent. Dr Desai vouched for all of you and we believed him. In spite of being the groom's family, we conducted the wedding at our cost because our Anand said he liked Anupama. In return, you have given us a wonderful lesson in gratitude,' Sunaina commented sarcastically.

'Please tell me what happened. I can't understand what you're trying to tell me. If I have made any mistake, please forgive me. Anupama is very young. She is a motherless child. In case she has erred, kindly forgive her. Treat her like your own daughter. I will see to it that she behaves obediently, and you will have no reason to complain again. No doubt we are poor, but we have not tried to cheat you. God is our witness.'

'If so, call your witness to explain all that has happened. Your daughter had a white patch which you concealed so that Anand would marry her.' Satish was shocked.

'What! Anu has a white patch? It is not true! Nobody in our family has ever had that disease. You must be mistaken.'
'Are you saying that I am lying? Then let me show you. Anupama!' Sunaina yelled.
Satish, too, called out for her. With a heavy heart and leaden steps,

Anupama emerged from behind the door. Her father looked careworn, shocked and worried; her mother-in-law's face was calm and ruthless.

Speaking softly, Shamanna said, 'Anu, your mother-in-law says that you have
a white patch. Is it true?'

Anupama did not reply. Her father repeated the question but still she remained silent.

Frustrated, he raised his voice, 'Anu, your mother-in-law is saying that we are
liars. Tell me the truth!'

Anupama looked at her father and mother-in-law. She lifted her sari to show the patch as she spoke, 'Papa, there was nothing like this at the time of the marriage. This patch appeared only a month back.'

Sunaina looked triumphant, 'Take your daughter back with you; she need not come back until she's completely cured and my son returns and sends for her. We have been deceived, and I will inform Anand about this.' She turned towards Anupama and said, 'I hope you have understood what I've just said.

Make sure you leave all the expensive gifts we have given you in your room, and take only what is yours when you go.'

Satish pleaded with Sunaina, 'Please have mercy on her. Don't punish her like this. You are her mother now.' With tears in his eyes he got up to touch her feet.

Knowing that Sunaina would humiliate him further, Anupama went up to her father and stopped him from falling at Sunaina's feet. 'Papa, don't demean yourself so much. I did not have this affliction before my marriage, and that's the truth. Wait here. . .I'll be back in a moment.'

Anupama went to her room, collected the few things that belonged to her, picked up one of Anand's photographs and returned where Satish waited for her. She took his hand in hers, and silently clutching her bag, walked out of the house.

She knew in her heart that this was the last time she would be seeing the house or its people. . .but she did not look back even once.

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