20. A New Job!

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A month passed. She and Sumithra had visited a few places in and around Bombay, and Hari too had accompanied them on occasion. Though he was very nice to her, Anupama was always conscious that she was a guest in their house, and felt that it would be best if she moved out as soon as possible.
Hari and Sumithra would leave for the office early in the morning and return late in the evening.

Anu would finish all the household work in the meantime.

In her free time, she would sit on Versova beach and let her thoughts wander.

One day Hari came home in high spirits. 'Anupama, I have a friend called Govind Shah. It seems there is a vacancy in his office for a clerk. . If you're interested, we can go for an interview tomorrow.'
Anupama smiled, 'That is excellent news.'

'But you'll have to travel to the Fort area every day.'

'So many people commute, why should I be an exception?'

The following day, Anupama went to Mr Shah's office. She was anxious to get the job so that she would no longer be a burden on Sumi. 'Please, God,' she prayed, 'please let me get this job somehow.'

She waited in the visitors' room and watched as the receptionist pulled out a small mirror from her purse and touched up her lipstick. Anupama had never used any make-up, except for a few light touches while acting in plays. She believed that it was not the make-up but the expression and modulation of voice that breathed life into the character that she played.

She wondered where all her hopes and dreams had gone.

Even in her bleakest moments, she had never seen herself looking for a job as a clerk.

Her musings were cut short when the receptionist, Dolly, asked, 'Are you Anupama?'

Anupama nodded, and was asked to go in.

There were three people inside. The senior-most of them told her, 'Your qualifications are very impressive, but this is a clerical post. It involves a lot of repetitive work. If you are sure you want to take it up, you can join tomorrow.'
Anupama was very happy. She thanked them and left.

'Poor girl!' Govind Shah said.

'What do you mean? She is so beautiful and intelligent.'

My friend, Hari, was telling me that she has leukoderma and that her husband has left her.'

'But we could not see any patches.'

'Anyway, it does not concern us as long as she is efficient. If you look carefully, everyone has some problem or the other. We should not bother about such things.'

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