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I only intended to stay in Prague for a few days but it turned into two months, I was still sharing an apartment with the three crazy boys from Croatia. We'd become friends and I paid rent for my spot on the sofa.

I found a job as a waiter in a café that catered mostly to tourists and my Czech had improved greatly.

It's also a daily reminder that my new life was built on lies after lies, sometimes I almost forgot that I wasn't who I pretended to be.

'Now that I'd finally found a place where I wanted to stay, I'd decided to give dating a real shot.'

When my flatmates introduced me to Wolf, a fellow musician from Amsterdam with long dreadlocks. I knew he was someone I could get used to, maybe even make me forget that stupid kiss I'd shared with Taehyung.

'Wolf was nothing like Taehyung.'

He was the opposite of the men in my world. He was a vegan, a peace-loving idealist and he never hesitated to convince others about his ideals. He could spend hours talking about the horrors of dairy farms and the dangers of owning a gun, sometimes I wondered what he'd say if he knew who I was.

This idealistic world-improver was his mask, I'd realized. It had been a novelty that I found endearing at the beginning but it has started to annoy me.

Maybe everyone wore some kind of mask, still, I couldn't break it off with Wolf because it would seem like the ultimate failure.

'If even someone like Wolf couldn't stop me from thinking about Taehyung, who else could?'


Wolf's hand crept under my shirt, unbuttoning my pants, I made a sound of protest. His fingertips were rough from playing the guitar, he pushed me down until I lay flat on my back and he was half on top of me. His tongue took up too much space in my mouth and he tasted like smoke.

'Why had I thought a smoking guy was hot? Yes, in theory but the taste and stink weren't something I was too excited about.'

He started unzipping my pants and rubbed his bulge against my thigh like a horny dog.

We're on the couch at the living room of my shared apartment, if one of my flatmates returned they'd get a show.

"I want you, Eric," Wolf rasped, already trying to shove my pants down my legs.

'Eric... For the first time, the name didn't make me pause. Two months using the same name seemed to be the magic barrier for getting used to a new identity. Pity, I got the feeling I wouldn't use it for much longer.'

Prague was getting too comfortable and Wolf was simply getting too much.

'It wasn't his fault that I wasn't into these long make-out sessions. He was being too pushy.'

"Not yet," I said, trying to hide my boredom and annoyance.

My boyfriend, Wolf, wasn't a bad guy. He's funny after a couple of beers or after a few drags of marijuana cigars. His skills with the guitar and singing weren't bad.

We've been going out for almost four weeks, it wasn't all that surprising that he wanted to sleep with me.

'Yet I didn't want to commit to this relationship fully, didn't want to go another step.'

Before running off from home, I thought I'd jump into bed with every guy I met once I was free of my bodyguards, to spite Taehyung and my father.

'So... what was stopping me?'

"Come on, Eric. I'll make it good for you," he said as he tried to shove his hand into my boxers.

I pushed his hand away.

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