New emotions

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( word : ogle / meaning : stare at in a lecherous manner. )

I wake up the following morning and brush my hair out I get dressed and walk outside. I sit down in my porch swing and watch everyone walk to their destination or just goin about their own business.

I see Wyatt riding up to his and Mattie's little cabin so I wave " HIYA WYATT ! HAVE A GOOD RIDE ?! " he looks over and smiles giving me a wave " IT WAS OK ! " he calls out getting off his horse and walking into their cabin .

I smile and look back down the road only to see my new found friend Josephine riding into town " dang it wyatt I hope you didn't do anything stupid " I say rubbing my face with a groan. " I need a drink " I mumble and get up walking into the house to grab my satchel. I then walk back out and off my porch grabbing the rains to coal and riding off down the road to the oriental.

I hop off coal and hitch him up . I walk into the oriental and right up to the bar " whiskey sir ." I say putting the money down and receiving my drink rather quickly. " hey (y/n) what's the matter ?" Morgan says as he walks up to me .

" nothing much Morg." I say giving him a fake a smile. " really ? Cause it seems something is bothering you." He says doing some kind of puppy dog eyes . I sigh and look down into my drink " you better not tell a living soul but...I think Wyatt was with Josephine today ." I slowly look up at him and his eyes are kinda wide .

" well...I don't know what to say....but I won't tell anyone I promise ." He gives me a nod and slowly walks away as I finish my drink. I walk over to my guitar that's propped up against the piano and I grab it . I head outside guitar in hand and I unhitch coal hopping onto his back .

" come on bud let's go for a little ride " I have my guitar on my back making sure the strap in secure over my body. ( I looked up if guitars had straps back then and I got mixed results soooo I'm just goin for it )

I grab the reins and start to head off not noticing as I pass the hotel doc walking outside and watching me with a confused look on his face. I slowly grip the reins tighter " come on boy lets
kick up some dirt " I say patting coal as he speeds up racing down the road and actually kicking up dirt and dust.

( Third person pov )

Doc slowly smiles at that and walks to the oriental. He walks in and and walks up to Morgan and Virgil at the bar ordering a whiskey. " so what's with up with yalls new sister I saw her riding out of town pretty quickly." He says with a snicker as he takes a drink of his whiskey.

" uhm well she was just upset about something...I guess she just wanted to go clear her mind." Morgan says looking at his drink keeping what you told him secret.

" Morgan it's not really good to let a woman ride alone when they are kinda makes them me I saw it happen with Kate...I had to save her many times." Doc says looking at Morgan.

Morgan just shrugs and slowly walks away doc looks over at Virgil " where do you think she would go I'll go get her and see if she's alright " Virgil laughs a little " I don't know doc , Morgan and I haven't known her'll have to go ask Wyatt." Virgil gives doc a smile and pats his shoulder as he walks off to go play billiards (pool)

Doc finishes his drink and leaves headed to Wyatt and Mattie's cabin.

(Y/n pov )

I sit under a tree by a stream playing my guitar and writing a new song. i strum the cords that I've written down and finally figure out how to end the song as I finish and I start putting my stuff up I hear a horse galloping near by .

I put my guitar down where it's hidden by a bush . I then quickly climb the tree I was sitting under getting settled in my position.

The horse I hear quickly gallops up and the minute they stop I jump from my branch tackling the person off the horse and pinning them to the ground. I have their hands by their head and I have pinned their legs with mine.

When I finally get a good look at who I pinned down my eyes widen and I freeze up. " I usually like to be on top for future reference " doc says with smirk on his face.

"I-I'm sorry I didn't know it was you I thought you could of been a threat " I say quickly getting off of doc and helping him up. " no need to apologize that was rather funny " he says with a chuckle .

" so uhm how did you know where I was or that I left town ? " I ask as I walk over to the bush that's hiding my guitar.

" I saw you riding out of town and I didn't. I went and asked Wyatt where he thought you would be , and he said knowing
(y/n) she will be by some running water ....that's when he told me when he was riding he found a stream , and that's more then likely where you would be. " doc says walking over to his horse that had walked a few feet away .

" ah....well he does know me really well " I say with a laugh as I put my guitar over my shoulder and on my back also grabbing my satchel and putting it on. " well we should probably be headed back " i say with a smile hopping on coal

" we should if you plan on singing some more down at the oriental " doc says smiling as he gets on his horse " oh yes what a joy singing while men ogle me " I say looking over at doc who now has an angry look on his face

" hey is something wrong doc " I say getting coal to walk up to doc and his horse " oh yes perfectly fine " he shakes his head and put a smile on " come on let's head back " he says taking the lead " alright " I mumble

( sorry I haven't posted in a while I didn't rly know anyone would read this book but I'm back and there will be a part two of this chapter it kinda got long lol )

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