the brothers , the wives , and the ride

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After Wyatt had told me he was quitting as a peace officer and moving to tombstone he asked if I wanted to go well of course I said yes I consider him family .

It was a long train ride to meet his brothers and their wives but Wyatt assured me that they would like me and take me in as one of their family members like he did to me .

He tells me Virgil is the oldest and he is married to Alvira but she likes to be called Allie . He then tells me Morgan is the youngest and he's married to Louisa .

We sit and talk while Wyatt's wife Mattie sleeps leaned up against him we here the train start to slow down and a man walks in telling us where we are at which is our stop .

Wyatt starts to wake Mattie up while I grab all of our bags and carry them out of the train I set them down and notice a man trying to get a horse off the train . It's easy to notice the horse is scared and the man hitting the horse with a cloth whip isn't helping .

I walk over and grab the cloth whip away from him and hit the guy with it not noticing Wyatt and Mattie had gotten of the train and watched it happen chuckling slightly.

" Doesn't feel good does it " I say and throw the whip on the ground I then grab the reigns on the horse and calm him down while leading him off the train " there ya go boy everything is ok " I say as I stroke his mane .

I walk over to Wyatt and Mattie " they gonna get your horse off " Wyatt asks " Oh no they ain't I'm getting my horse off . They ain't gonna abuse coal . " I say with a huff

Two men walk up " well there you are " the tallest one said Wyatt spends around and smiles " VIRGIL ! MORGAN !" He says and he quickly hugs them " I'm so happy to see you two " he says laughing .

Morgan looks over to me and smiles " You didn't tell us you had a son ! " Wyatt starts to laugh as I blush " excuse me if this seems rude but " I say as I take off my hat letting my long hair fall out of it " I ain't his son and I ain't his kid " Morgan's eyes widen " I'm sorry " he says laughing a little .

" it's alright " Virgil then speaks up " so how do you know our brother " I give him a smile " he technically saved me from a terrible fate and he's been keeping me safe ever since "

They look at Wyatt and then back at me " that's a story for another time the wagon is here who's gonna drive it " Wyatt says " not me I'm gonna go grab coal " I say and walk away .

They look at Wyatt and then back at me " that's a story for another time the wagon is here who's gonna drive it " Wyatt says " not me I'm gonna go grab coal " I say and walk away

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I hop onto my horse the only thing on him being reins since he doesn't like saddles . I ride over to the gang seeing Virgil and Morgan on their own horses , the girls in the wagon , and Wyatt on the front of the wagon .

" you don't have a saddle ? " Morgan says looking at me " nah coal doesn't like them but he will use the reins so I'm fine with it . I'm used to not having a saddle . " I say with a smile .

" alright we are all ready let's go "  Wyatt speaks up from the front and we head on our way to a little town called Tombstone .

* time skip to sunset *

Wyatt stops the wagon on the side of the path " this is a good place to stop we will head on our way again in the morning " he says as he hops off the wagon .

I hop off coal and tie the reins to the wagon like Virgil and Morgan do and we start a fire . The girls lay in the wagon to sleep as the guys sit by the fire talking .

I walk to coal and untie him I then lead him over to the camp fire and he lays down i then sit down and lean against his side .

" so are you gonna tell us how Wyatt saved you " Morgan asks looking over at me " well I'll have to start at the very beginning for y'all to understand " I say looking at them " that's fine by us " Virgil says .

" well my Momma wanted a boy and daddy didn't care what I was but momma got really mad and disappointed when she heard the doctor say " Its a girl " but not daddy . Every day he would tell me that the first time he saw me that he knew I was more precious then anything in the world , but momma tried to get rid of me . She even tried to kill me . She heard of this gang in our town that would kill anyone if they made them mad....well that was her plan to make them mad at me. I was six when it happened we were in town and she had purposely made me bump into the leader of the gang making him spill his beer on himself , well he turned and had a gun pointed at me . Now daddy was quick but he wasn't quick enough because as he tried to grab me and run he was the one shot . He was shot in the heart .... I remember crying clinging on to him begging him to wake up.....I didn't know what death was until after let's skip ahead 16 years ....I'm 22 still living with my mother Wyatt and Mattie rode into town I become friends with them and Wyatt heard my mother in a saloon trying to sell me to some cowboys . He comes to me and tells me to move with him and Mattie and he'll keep me safe so here I am I'm 27 still following Wyatt around .... He's like a brother to me and he calls me his sister ....hopefully y'all will consider me yalls sister too once we three get to know each other . "

As I tell my story I feel tears  in my eyes I wipe them away and look up to notice Virgil looking at me with a sad expression , Morgan had tears in his eyes , and Wyatt looking down shaking his head " but everything is ok I guess  I have some of his things with me so it still feels like he's close " .

As I say this I show them my right hand showing them an old wedding band 

As I say this I show them my right hand showing them an old wedding band 

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" this was my dads . before I left I swiped it from momma room . I also swiped his two guns . " As I say that I pull out two ivory-gripped, nickelplated 1877 Colt Lightning/Thunderer double-action revolvers .

" I've trained with these revolvers for a long time " I say with a smile " shes a quick drawl she might be faster then Doc " Wyatt says with a laugh " it's getting late we need to get some rest " Virgil says he then looks over at me " I'm sorry for what you've had to go through " .

" it's alright " I say with a smile I then scoot down a little lower and I keep laying against coal . I look up at the night sky and slowly fall asleep .

Hello my cowpokes I hope you like this book and this chapter it took me a while to write it cause I didn't know where to end it so I hope this is ok

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