Tombstone and the Oriental saloon

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I wake up to my boots being kicked I slowly open my eyes to see Wyatt standing above me " come on sleepy head we still have a little ways to go till we get to tombstone " .

" alright alright " I get up and coal stands up I go to the wagon and grab my hat I start to stuff my hair into it and I fix my clothes then I hop on coal as everyone else gets situated.

" why do you do that ...put your hair in your hat I mean and uhm dress like a guy " Morgan says curiously " well pants are far more comfortable then everything a girl has to wear . Also I put my hair in the hat because I will either get dirty looks for dressing this way , or I'll get flirted with . I don't like being flirted with....the evil eyes are fine they don't bother me " .

Morgan just nods his head . Wyatt gets on the wagon and we start our ride again " hey who's guitar and banjo is back here " Allie says looking around " oh those are mine " I call out with a smile .

Virgil looks over at me " you play ? " I not my head " I play and I sing got those talents from my dad . I also play piano  " I say with a smile " well sometime soon you'll have to play and sing for us " Morgan speaks up.

* time skip to Tombstone *

the earp familys and I ride into tombstone we find a place to pull the wagon and hitch out horses up , the men get off their horses and I start to help the lady's out of the wagon " you're more of a gentlemen then the men " Louisa says with a laugh .

" I'll take that as a compliment " I say with a laugh . The girls and I were walking to the men as a sharped dressed man walks up . " hello there I'm John Behan , Cochise County Sheriff . "

I roll my eyes knowing he is flirt . I turn to the wagon and starting to walk off to the back until Virgil grabs my wrist and yanks me back while a speeding wagon goes by .

" well hello there and who might you be " I turn around to notice the county sheriff looking at me . I look over to Wyatt and he points to my hat on the ground . I sigh and pick my hat up " well sir I'm..." before I can finish Morgan pipes up " this is our sister (Y/n) Earp " .

" I didn't know y'all had a sister " John says . He smiles grabbing my hand kissing the back of it " mmm yes I'm there sister. Uhm Mister Behan ? Was it ? Can you point me to the store " I say as nicely as possible while Wyatt snickers .

" how about I show you the way " John says putting his arm over my shoulders leading me away from the group .

" what are you laughing about " Morgan asks Wyatt " because we haven't been here for an hour and she's alright getting flirted with " he says still laughing finding it hilarious .

* time skip to after they get a part at the Oriental Saloon*

I storm up to Wyatt " If you EVER let that happen again Wyatt you better start running cause I'll be coming for you . "  I say pointing my finger at him as he laughs " You poor thang did he continue to flirt with you "

" matter a fact he did AND he kept on ! " I huff and cross my arms " will it make you feel better if you become our singer at the oriental saloon ? " Wyatt says with a smile .

" sure I'll be the singer as long as you watch my back and make sure no one try's to flirt with me " I say as I pull a pack of cigarettes out of my pocket .

I take out a cigarette and light it up " So where will we be staying " Wyatt points down the road to four cabins " down there your cabin is the on the right and it has a swing on the porch ."

" that's nice I can swing when it rains " I say smiling and letting out a puff of smoke that turns into a ring . " woah how did you do that " Morgan says shocked which causes me to laugh .

" oh it's simple but let Wyatt tell you how to do it he can describe it better . " I say with a smile " so when do I need to go to sing at the saloon " I ask looking at Wyatt .

" you can come in tomorrow night . most of us is just gonna settle down for today and go into work tomorrow." Wyatt says with a smile " that sounds amazing I'll take my stuff and head to my home now.  " I say with a laugh .

I go grab my things and untie coal . I then head to my cabin as coal follow behinds me all the way home .

I tie coal to another post and head inside . I unpack all of my things and once that's finished I plop down on my queen bed . I stretch out kicking my boots off and relaxing .

" I'm gonna like it here " I say with a smile . I yawn and turn over falling asleep rather quickly since I'm on a nice comfy bed .

It's a little shorter chapter but I hope everyone is liking It so far

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