Roses are Red Bruises are Blue

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A/n: this part has abuse so if that triggers you or you don't want to read about it please click off. It's also about Candy pop and a kid named Miranda.

Candy's pov:
I had gone for a stroll to clear my head when I heard the worst possible noise someone hurt I heard a whimpering little kid. So I followed the noise to a house not to far from the carnival I was walking in. I walked into the house to see a child whimpering curled up. The house was small barely enough room for a family of two or three like a family of a single parent and a kid or two parents and a kid. This child was four or five years old by the looks of it. The house was a mess... No child should have to live like this in a dirty house with parents who hate them so much they hurt the poor kid. I looked around for her parents for a few minutes then I went to the kid and said sweetly "hey kiddo."

Miranda's Pov:
I looked up at the stranger standing above me looking down towards me I whimpered and hid my face in the couch I'm not allowed to talk to strangers. He said "What's your name dear?" He sounded kind enough so I replied with a hesitant "M-Miranda..."
He giggled and started jingling the bells at the end his blue hair "I'm not allowed to talk to strangers especially men." I said trying to sound mature and cool.

Nobody's Pov:
Candy Pop laughed at the attempt in this five year old girl trying to sound mature and replied with a quick "I'm Candy Pop!" Miranda turned her head to the side and thought "what a weird name where did you get it?" Miranda replied with a giggle. "My mom gave it to me." Candy said with a little chuckle "and it's not that weird for a fairy." Miranda looked at him and blinked "now we aren't strangers so tell me do your parents hurt you?" Candy said with a curious voice.

Candy's Pov:
Miranda looked at me for a moment and replied in a small voice "yes..." I got a bit more upset finding out my suspensions were right they are most of the time. I told Miranda to cover her eyes and go upstairs as her parents were pulling in to the driveway.

Miranda's Pov:
I did as Candy Pop had said and he followed me up the stairs so I didn't hurt myself and once we got in my room I closed and locked the door as my parents walked into the house. Then I hid in my closet with Candy Pop because they were still angry with me for no reason. Candy Pop asked " what do they hurt you with?"
I replied with "anything and everything..." And Candy Pop looked mad.

Nobody's Pov:
Miranda's parents were looking for her downstairs and yelling angrily Candy asked Miranda "why are they angry with you" she responded "I don't know I didn't do anything." Candy left the closet angrily after hearing that.


Candy's Pov:
I told Miranda to stay and cover her ears and sing it calmed me down when I was a child I hoped it would work for her. I went downstairs in anger Miranda's parents were surprised to see me instead of Miranda her mom screamed and yelled "who are you and where is my daughter you monster!" I don't know why but the word Monster made me pissed soon enough Miranda's dad picked up a metal bat and hit me in the back of the head whilst yelling "give us our baby back you evil evil thing!" Hearing the word evil made my anger worse and I wasn't myself I had picked up the wire on the ground it was once attached to the back of the t.v. but I had pulled it off as the mom started screaming "you psycho!" I had to make her shut up she was annoying so I tied the wire around her throat and pulled till I saw blood dripping on the ground at the point I had a burning rage and she was already dead I pulled the wire till I heard the familiar pop of bones popping out of place then the snap of the bones breaking and the bone had soon enough popped out of her skin I had blood on my shoes, pants, and face now it was the father's turn he was trying to get the wire out of my hands so I dropped the wired as well as his wife's dead body to the floor.

Miranda's Pov:
I did as Candy Pop said but after thirty minutes of singing my voice hurt so I went out of the closet and got my radio off the nightstand in my room and pulled it to the closet and plugged it in and listened to the radio on full volume.

Candy's Pov:
I took the bat from Miranda's dad and bashed him in the head with it I forgot to bring my mallet I thought I was just going on a walk but here I am now he screamed in pain I took him by the shirt and bashed his head into the table that was behind him after awhile I was all covered in blood and the life had slipped out of his eyes but I didn't care soon enough I had to stop so I dropped the lifeless body and started laughing like a maniac. Then I realized what I was doing and I had forgotten about Miranda I ran upstairs still covered in blood.

Miranda's Pov:
I heard the door open so I turned off the radio and waited Candy opened the door to the closet and picked me up and said I would be coming home with him.

Candy's Pov:
I could help but feel guilty so I took Miranda back home with me I killed her parents and she was so young and if I had left her she would be an orphan so I had to adopt her I felt so bad for what I had did.

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