chapter 1: introduction

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Cedric shakes his head.
"I don't know what's up, but he's for sure ignoring me."
"But he glares at me sometimes, it's weird."
"It's like he wishes I would've been the one to die. Because he knows what I want to talk about, I'm- I'm sure of that."
"Nobody wishes that Cedric."

"Everyone wishes that Peters, everyone."
"No, Cedric. It's really not-"
"Stop it. He was the chosen one. He was special, I should've died. Because what now? I'm not Harry Potter, not special, I can't stop you-know-who."
"Sarah you don't get it. You really don't get it. I shouldn't have brought it up. I'm sor-"

"Don't you think I know? Don't you think I know that you are fully aware of the fact that you could've been him last year? Don't you think I know that you partly blame yourself? Cause I do, and Cedric, it's okay. But it wasn't your fault. And you don't have to blame yourself because you couldn't have done anything else to save him."

"Let me talk. You know that the whole tournament was a setup so that Voldemort could have his Harry Potter. He was after Harry. He was after Harry, not you. And obviously you couldn't have stopped that. You didn't know. Nobody knew. And obviously it could've been you instead.

But in that case, it could've been anyone. In that case the chance that I would've been the one who died is just as big as you being that person. He was the chosen one. Therefore Voldemort wanted to kill him. If there is anything you shouldn't be doing, it's blaming yourself. You did nothing wrong. Voldemort and his followers did this." Sarah says and each time she mentions Voldemort, a shivers runs through both of their bodies.

She takes his hands in hers and kisses them.
"Peters." he sniffles. She wipes a few tears from his cheeks.
"Yes?" she replies and a silent moment follows.
"I love you."
"I know this is bad timing and that you just delivered a whole monologue about how I shouldn't blame myself for Potter's death."
"Yeah, I- Yeah- yeah... I-"

"It's just, I'm so glad I've got you. I'm so lucky to have you. I've never met someone who would even care enough to think of my feelings in that way. And it's just the fact that you care that much... and not only the speech... It's that... Yeah, just that- I'm so lucky and that you just... That you're you and I... I love you. And you don't have to say it, but I love you, and I need you to know that I love you."

"Thank you. Diggory I-" Cedric interrupts her with a kiss.
"Don't say anything. Anyway, uhm... I... uh... will you help me get Dumbledore's attention and help me talk to him?"
"Of course, I'll try my best." she smiles. When they've both finished their beers they go outside again.

"So what now?" he asks her.
"I should be asking you that, you brought me here."
"Well, that's true."
"So what now Cedric?"
"We could always-"
"I'm not going back to the shrieking shack."
"I wasn't gonna suggest that!"

"We both know you were." Sarah laughs.
"Fuck off."
"I'm just kidding, I'm just kidding."
"So for real, where are we going now?"
"Candy, we're buying candy!" Cedric exclaims and they start walking towards honeydukes.

As Sarah is about to open the door to the store Cedric takes a step back and grabs her arm.
"What?" she asks and turns around to face him. He nods at the window and she looks over to see Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley inside the store.
"They don't hate-"
"Peters I don't wanna hear it, let's just go somewhere else."

"Oh, okay..."
"It's just easier not to be around them."
"If you-"
"Let's go back to the castle." Cedric decides and starts walking again.
"Okay." Sarah mumbles and walks behind him.

She grabs his hand and they walk back in silence. When they're halfway Sarah suddenly feels a raindrop on her nose.
"Cedric it's raining."
"No, it's not."
"I promise. I felt it."
"It's not raining. I'd-"

Out of nowhere the rain pours down on the two of them. They start running towards the castle.
"I told you so!" Sarah shouts.
"Yeah yeah, last one there!"
"Not again! You're such a child." Sarah sighs but Cedric has already started running.

"Come on, don't be lazy!" he laughs and she runs after him. Sarah catches up with Cedric and they run together, holding hands. As they get back to the school grounds Cedric stops running and Sarah turns to look at him when she notices he's not next to her anymore.

"There is something I need to tell you before we go inside and you go downstairs to my sister and your other friends."
"Uhm, yeah okay." Sarah replies and walks over to him.
"I'm going to kill You-Know-Who."

"Excuse me?! Are you mad, how are you even gonna- No you can't be serious."
"Peters I'm not kidding, I'm gonna do it and I have a plan."
"No no no Cedric, just because of what happened- you don't... No."
"You can't change my mind, I'm going to defeat Voldemort once and for all."


Helloooo!! It was a really long time ago I published a brand new story here on my account so I'm happy to share this with you all!! Hope you'll enjoy the book and even if you don't I enjoy writing at least so that's what matters I guess😳😂

Anyways, we'll see how much I update and as usually in my stories - yes you'll have to deal with all my misspellings and wrongly autocorrected words since most of my works are published after being just first drafts and I enjoy posting all chapters and then edit them all at once when I in the future feel like it😂😂

Now that was everything I wanted to say, and I would love it if you left a vote and I comment with you opinion or so here!

Lots of love!!❤️❤️

after potter's death - cedric diggoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon