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Do you know how it feels to lose someone you love more than anything else in the world?

It was like... if someone ripped your heart and soul out of you, knocked all the wind out of your chest and the only thing that was left was just empty space in your chest, where your heart used to be.

That's how he felt.

A part of him wanted an answer, but a part of him didn't want to know. A part of him wanted to keep holding on, but a part of him said to let her go.

But he didn't want to let her go. No, he didn't want to forget all the late nights and all the kisses and all the times she would put her head on his shoulder.

Breaking him out of his thoughts, his friend waves a hand in front of his face. "Noah."

Noah snaps out of it. "What?"

"You're doing it again."

"Doing what?"

"You're longing for her again."

"I am not!"

"Why don't you just give up on her and move on?" Noah's other friend says.

"Shut the fuck up, Bryce, it's not that simple. Don't even lie to me, bro." His friend says, Noah takes a swig of his beer. "You fell for her. I don't even have to ask if it's true because it's obvious even when you try to hide it. Even when you guys were together I could see you adored her."

He sighs. "But what am I supposed to do, man? She obviously doesn't want me around anymore, or she would be sitting here with me, right now."

His friend looks at him. "You wait. That's the only thing you can do. If it's meant to be, it's meant to be. And Bryce you dick, when you love someone that much, you don't just move on. You can't make people love you even if you try. The sun and the moon were destined for each other, but they missed each other, but the moon waited. So can you."

Noah lets his friend's words echo in his head, and even after his friend is gone, he's still thinking about it.

He'd wait for her. However long it takes.

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