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What did you expect, Dixie? She asks herself.

What did she expect? Certainly not this. Certainly not for him to move on and stop loving her so soon.

She used to dream of the day she would meet the one. She thought her dream was coming true the day she met Noah. But she knows he's not the one now, and her dreams didn't come true.

But she can't help but still love him. And that's the part she loathes, the part that loves him unconditionally and tells her to not let him go.

It's been a month since she saw Noah and another girl kissing and she still can't stop thinking.

Dixie  knows he could still be hurting, and she knows if she could, she'd run towards him and wrap her arms around his neck in embrace and soak up the warmth that he provides.

She knows that she'd whisper "I'm sorry, I never meant to hurt you". And then everything would go back to normal.

Dixie decides she can't keep all these feelings bottled up inside, so she decides to call the one person she knows she can trust.

Her dad.

He picks up on the second ring. "Hey sweetie! What's up?"

"Hi daddy, I need some advice." She tells him the story, and he listens intently. Once she finishes telling him, she asks him what he thinks she should do.

"Why did you end things with him in the first place?" Her dad asks her.

"I was stupid. My mind wasn't in the right place. Maybe I can even say I was young and stupid, even though it's only been a couple of months."

"Stop. Stop using that excuse."

"What? What excuse?"

"Your age is not an excuse for you to do stupid things. It is great to have fun and be free but I think it's better to be in love and know you'll be happy with the person you really wanna be with. If you really love this boy and he really loves you, you'll go back to each other. Despite what you may think, fate can bring two people back together. And as far as that other girl goes, maybe he did it to make you jealous." Her dad says, making Dixie instantly feel a bit better. Her dad always knows what to do and what to say.

"Thanks, daddy. I love you! I promise I'll come visit soon."

"Okay, baby girl. I love you too. Good luck with that boy and let me know what happens."

It was at this point, when her dad's words echoed in her mind that she realized that she can't force things to happen. If they're meant to happen, they're meant to happen.

Who knows, she thought, maybe he was the love of her life and she just wasn't his.

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