Chapter 2 Brittany spend the weekend with her Best friend and boyfriend

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Brittany ate her breakfast and Brittany txted her boyfriend shark and the txt said good morning my handsome boyfriend and I can't wait to see you at school and me and you duel period please. Brittany and yuma made it to school and rio said Brittany please don't tell me that you asked my brother to duel you at duel period and Brittany said rio I asked your brother for a duel and he'll be fine. It is duel period and Brittany beat her boyfriend shark in a duel and shark said Brittany that was really fun and Brittany said your not mad that I beat you in a duel and shark said no I'm not mad that you beat me in a duel  Brittany.  Brittany and Yuma made it back home and Brittany went upstairs to her room  and Brittany grabbed her big pack and Brittany packed her hair brush and tooth brush and Brittany packed her cell phone charger and Brittany packed her wallet. Brittany packed her black top tank with it making black long pants and purple jacket and Brittany packed her white heels and Brittany packed blue knee length skirt and her blue top that match the skirt. Brittany put on  a gray tank top and Brittany put on long white pants and Brittany put on her blue and yellow boots and Brittany packed her shark necklace and Brittany walked back downstairs and  Brittany said grandma I'm going to a hangout with my childhood kite then I'm going to go spend the night  at my friends rio house and I'll be back Sunday ok and I have my cell phone  with me and haru said ok Brittany have fun and be safe. Brittany made it to heartland tower and Brittany walked into the tower when she got attacked by hart and Brittany said hi hart and I missed you too  and kite said hart did you find Brittany and hart said yes I found Brittany. Kite said I had orbital 7 make us pasta and Brittany said that sounds good and Brittany said kite can i ask you something and kite said yeah you can ask me anything Brittany. Brittany said are you a number hunter and kite said yes Brittany I'm a number hunter and Brittany gave kite her number 17 card and kite said why are you giving me your number card. Brittany said because your my best friend and I won't duel you ok and Brittany and kite and hart are eating dinner and Brittany good bye to kite and hart and Brittany txted  Rio and the txt said hi rio I'm almost to your house so I'll see you soon. Brittany made it To rio and shark house and Rio opened the door and Brittany walked in to the house and Brittany sneaked up behind shark and Brittany covered shark eyes and Brittany said guess who. Shark said Brittany I know it you and Brittany said how did you know and shark said it easy to know that it you ok Brittany. Brittany  and rio and shark are in their PJ and they started to watch quest for Camelot and Brittany started to sing and shark said I didn't know that you could sing. Brittany said I haven't singed  since my little brother yuma was a baby and I would sing him to sleep. Brittany layed her head on shark shoulder and shark said Brittany are you getting tired and Brittany said maybe just a little bit and shark and rio and Brittany All went to bed. The next morning brittany woke up early and Brittany is making chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast and shark and rio both walked downstairs and Brittany said good morning shark and rio and shark and rio both said good morning Brittany. Brittany walked back in to shark bedroom and Brittany brushed her hair and teeth and Brittany put on her gray underwear and Brittany put on her gray bra and Brittany put on her deodorant and Brittany put on her gray sleeveless tank top and Brittany put on white long pants and Brittany put on her black identical jacket and Brittany put on her blue boots and Brittany grabbed her cell phone and Brittany walked back downstairs. Brittany said what are we doing today and shark said your little brother challenge me to a duel  to win back bronk deck and Rio said me and tori are going shopping at the mall then I'm going to the store to get food for tonight dinner. Rio said what are you going to do Brittany and Brittany said I'm might visit My childhood friend and shark I love you but don't go to hard on my little brother yuma. Brittany is texting her best friend Quinton arclight and the txt said Hi Quinton how are you and I was wondering if I can come over to your house and hangout with you and have some mid morning tea. Quinton txted Brittany back and the txt said hi Brittany I'm doing good and vetrix said it is ok for you to come over and trey will have tea ready for you when you get here ok. Brittany made it to the arclight mansion and Brittany knocked on the door and Quattro opened the door for Brittany. Brittany walked inside the mansion and quattro hugged Brittany and Brittany said I missed you quattro and Brittany and quattro both walked in to the living room. Quinton gave Brittany a hug and Brittany sat on the couch and Brittany said vetrix I will not stand in your way of getting revenge on Dr. faker and vetrix said Brittany tsukumo and Brittany said yes my dad is kazuma tsukumo and vetrix said Brittany I promise to make Dr. Faker pay for what he did you and your family and Brittany said thank you vetrix. Brittany is drinking tea when she gets a txt from kite and the txt said Brittany i need to talk to you and Brittany txted back and the txt said hi kite I'll be right over and Brittany hugged the arclight and Brittany hugged vetrix and Brittany said I hope to see you in the duel carnival. Brittany made it heartland tower and Brittany made it to hart and kite floor. Brittany said hart where is kite and hart said he is in his room and Brittany knocked on kite door and kite said come in and Brittany walked in to kite bedroom. Brittany said kite what did you want to tell me and kite said Brittany we've known eachother since hart was little and Brittany said yes we have known eachother since hart was little and kite said Brittany will you be my girlfriend and Brittany said yes kite I love to be your girlfriend. Brittany said kite I'm entering the duel carnival and I'll be careful and safe ok and Brittany cell phone started to ring and Brittany said kite go tell hart the good news ok and Brittany answered her cell phone and it shark. Brittany said hi shark how did the duel go and shark said I lost and I'm breaking up with you and Brittany said ok shark but can we still be friends and shark said yeah we can still be friends. Brittany walked to where hart and kite are and Brittany said kite I'm going to my friend rio kastle house to grab my pack and I'll come back here and spend the rest of the weekend here if you want me to. Kite said yes Brittany you can spend the rest of the weekend here. Brittany walked back in to shark house and Brittany walked upstairs Brittany put all of her stuff back in her pack and Brittany walked back downstairs and Brittany walked out the door and Brittany made it back  to heartland tower and Brittany made it back to hart and kite floor. Kite said my dad wants to talk to you and Brittany is standing in front of Dr. Faker and Dr. Faker said Brittany tsukumo do you promise to make kite and hart happy and Brittany said I promise to keep kite and hart happy and I will never leave kite for any one. Dr. faker said Brittany promise me that you won't get mad about kite number hunting. Brittany said I could never get mad at kite for being a number hunter and Dr. Faker said Brittany you can spend the night here when ever you want and Brittany said thank you Dr. Faker.

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