Phantom's just in time

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7 minutes before the F-4's arrival

Scene shows us the Azur Lane's ship girls, specifically, the eagle union's ship girls engaged in combat. But there was something wrong, they were losing, the cruiser class of ship girls are getting wounded and the battleship class girls are getting hammered by siren bombers

And to make things far worse their allies the royal navy,sakura empire and iron blood cant make it in time (yes it is the azur lane reunited because why not)

Enterprise was trying her best to save her friends and her sister hornet but inevitably gets overwhelmed by the number of sirens. Everytime she sinks a siren ship another one comes in to try and kill her

She drops to her knees in front of....


Purifier:"HAH, look at you now, a pile of reck, human made ship that thinks that she's a hero, well, guess what? YOUR NOT" she then proceeded to slap enterprise in the face

Hornet:"why you-"

Before hornet can go for the rescue she gets stomped on the back by Tester Beta who looks at her with a mocking smile that made hornet's blood boil

Purifier:"heh, with you on the ground, im gonna have alot of fun destroying your wor-" before she could finish observer alpha shoved her aside

Observer Alpha:"you know, enterprise, im soo tired of seeing you and your alliance stand in our way of destroying this world so im gonna make this simple. Im gonna make you a deal. Join us and live and have a power you can never imagine"

Observer Alpha:"or die right here right now"

Y/n's POV

The F-4 was just minutes away from reaching the area where they received the radio call. James has been keeping an eye on the radar to see if they are heading in the right direction. And they were

Y/n:"james when are we gonna get there?"

James:"in 4 minutes or less. Or if we go afterburners we can get there in 2 minutes"

Y/n:"im not risking fuel loss. I don't wanna make hard decisions again"

James:"mhm, wise"

Y/n:"james. Are we making the right move?"

James:".....strange world that we don't know,a radio call out of the blue and no land spotted yet. I don't know"

Y/n:"so. Should we turn back?"

James:"no. That fuel is not gonna last forever and the engines will need a rest. So we will have to find an airbase to land this thing"

Y/n:"and the only way to that is"

James:"locate the radio call"

Y/n:"alright. Lets go"

Y/n increases throttle causing the phantom to go even faster than before while also, consuming fuel. But with luck they will reach the battle area faster with just enough fuel to stay in the air for 10 more minutes

Back with the ship girls. Enterprise declined the deal and this made observer disappointed and she slapped enterprise in the face again

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