Chapter Two

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From the other end of the line, Tatum's voice sounded determined as she said, "I will be there by seven o'clock. You can count on me." There was no mistaking her conviction - she had made up her mind and she wasn't about to back out of her promise.

"Thanks, Tatum," Sidney says, rubbing her face.

"Later," Tatum says.

Sidney hangs up the phone and slowly rises from her chair to make her way over to her computer. She pushes the power button and watches as the screen lights up, seeing her reflection in the bright blue monitor. Taking a deep breath, she drops back into her seat and begins to type away. She's never felt so empowered before - pushing past boundaries, making something out of herself where there was nothing.


Sidney comes down the stairs, her arms carrying a change of clothes, toothbrush, and make-up, She opens the hall closet and pulls a small overnight bag from the top shelf. Moving into the living room she loads it up, plopping down on the sofa Next to Y/n, and hitting the TV remote.

A news reporter begins her story, "The nation is in a state of shock today following the devastating news that four teenagers have been killed in North Carolina. This horrific act of violence has rocked the small community to its core and left many feeling scared and vulnerable. Many questions remain unanswered, but what we do know is that these senseless acts cannot be tolerated."

Sidney switches the channel of the television restlessly. "The State Bureau of Investigation has joined forces with local authorities to apprehend and bring to justice what the Governor himself has referred to as one of the most deplorable and heinous criminals in recent history..." he heard from the news anchor.

The channel switches again. Gale Weathers appears, standing in front of the school. Her white teeth gleamed.

"This is not the first time the small town of Woodsboro has endured such tragedy. Only a year ago, Maureen Prescott, wife, and mother, was found raped and murdered–" An old black and white snapshot fills the screen-a woman, beautiful and familiar.

Eyes frozen, mesmerized by the image, Sidney sits. Suddenly the TV clicks off. Her eyes look at me, the remote in my hand, and then her eyes go to the clock on the end table. 5:45 PM. Her eyes then move to the framed photo next to it... the same black and white photo stares at her, a healthy, vibrant woman. An older version of Sidney.

Sidney curls up on the sofa, tucking her feet underneath her and pulling a warm blanket over her body before closing her eyes tightly. She is desperate to escape reality for a while; the world outside has become too overwhelming at times. She takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly as she attempts to clear her mind of all its worries and troubles. With each exhale she feels more and more relaxed, as if all of the stress was leaving her body with only peace remaining in its wake.


The clock on the side table reads 7:15 p.m. Sidney is in a deep sleep, sprawled out on the couch. Suddenly, the shrill sound of her phone ringing startles her awake and she bolts up, frantically grasping for her portable phone near the end table.

"Practice ran late. I'm on my way." Tatum said.

Sidney looks at the clock, "It's past seven."

Tatum scoffed, "Don't worry. Casey and Steve didn't bite it til way after ten." she said sarcastically.

Sid rolled her eyes, "I'm not worried."

"Good, 'cause I wanna swing by Blockbuster and get us a video. I was thinkin' Tom Cruise in All The Right Moves. You know, if you pause it just right you can see his penis." Tatum said excitedly.

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