Chapter One

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𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙾𝚗𝚎

A teenage girl's room. Everything was tidy and the walls were a pleasant shade of millennial pink. On the large bed, amidst a plethora of childhood stuffed animals, lay an arrangement of textbooks and journals, all open to different pages with notes scattered around them. The room belonged to (Y/n)'s sister, Sidney.


I was in Sydney's room, reading a book while she typed away on her computer. I wanted to leave her room because I was tired, and I wanted to do more research. I yawned and closed my book, getting off of the bed and heading to my room with a 'Goodnight' to Sid.

I walked into my room, leaving the door open. After a moment I heard Sydney scream, I didn't leave my room because I heard our dad knock on her door, and begin talking. I laughed out loud and when our dad walked past my door I handed him a book he wanted from me, he took it with a smile and I walked over to my computer, Dad left and went into his room, I sat down and started researching.

A few moments earlier

A noise could be heard behind Sidney. She turns abruptly, eyeing an open window across the room. A scratching sound. She stands and moves toward it.

Sidney sticks her head out the window. The late-night wind hits her face as a shadow appears just to the left of her, a hand reaches out, grabs her, and suddenly a figure is on top of her.

Sid screams... pulling away from the figure... breaking free, and falling back onto the floor. It was Billy.


A few hours had flown by before I glanced up to check the clock, which read 10:30. It was at that moment that I decided to take a break from my work and get up from my chair to close my door. Now in complete silence, I could feel the peace and tranquility of the night looming over me.

After closing it I changed into shorts and my large (f/c) T-shirt, sitting back on my chair I took out my sketchbook and began sketching what I dreamt about.

It was a pleasant abode, snug and tastefully decorated with an inviting sofa and chairs. This was the house I spent countless hours in growing up with my sister and her friends. All of us would gather around the large television set, eagerly immersing ourselves in the exciting world from its magical box. Even today when I look back on those days, I can almost feel the electric atmosphere that pervaded throughout our cozy living room.

Whenever I had these kinds of dreams I called them foreshadowing because they always happened after I already dreamt them. This time though, I had started sketching this a little over two weeks ago and nothing had happened, and the dream kept coming back. I couldn't let my guard down.


snuggling his pillow, sleeping peacefully when... the radio alarm blasts from the night table loud enough to wake the dead. (Y/n) bolts up.

From the radio a voice could be heard, "...found brutally murdered..." click. (Y/n), quick with the reflexes, shuts it off instantly. A car trunk slams shut outside.

(Y/n) rises from his bed and rushes to the window, just in time to catch his Dad climbing into his car. He gives a perfunctory wave out of the window, but (Y./n) remains unnoticed. Before he knows it, his dad has backed out of the driveway and is off, speeding down the street.

Martin was off, out of town for a meeting.

(Y/n) let out a sigh, rubbing his forehead as he walked over to the closet in his bedroom. He had been up late working on the math sheet, and now it was time to get dressed for school. His eyes were heavy with exhaustion, and he was struggling to keep them open.

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