Mini - Epilogue 3

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The sunny sailed toward Water 7 ship. The only member inside the ship was Franky, Brook, and Usopp.

"Wow my brother did all this? Eh, need more gund." Franky said seeing Water 7 transformed into a ship.

"How is he?" Usopp asked.

"Well what I remember he got a new assistant, the Franky family and the galley joined together." Franky said.

"That must be nice." Brook said.

"Oh, Usopp before you go back to your Sweet Village, the Company actually want to give you something as an apology before." Franky said.

"Oh? I mean I forgiven you guys that all, no hard feelings?" Usopp reassured him.

"Oh no, I can't let a brother like that, now follow me." Franky said, as Usopp and Brook follow him.

They reach to a privated dock area. There front of them was fabric covering a large object. Franky smiles and grab hold of the fabric and pull it out.

He unveiled a ship. Usopp and brook jaws dropped to the floor.

"I call her, the Going Merry 2." Franky said.

"Bu-but how?" Usopp said.

"Easy, I send word to build you another Merry some thing that your village that can recognized." Franky said.

Usopp look at Franky and hugged him closed. Franky start to tears up and hugged back.

Soon Franky given the tour, since The Merry two is longer, slight taller and have spaces inside. With the Treasure and berries they saved up, Usopp put his shared in the Captain Quaters.

Soon given the tour around the Ship. Usopp quickly makes a jolly roger for him.

They begin to settled. Later on the day, Usopp prepares for the voyage. As Brook played a melody.

The Merry 2 sailed through the night, and to the day. It past through Islands and storms.

They eventually reach to Twins capes. There they see an Island whale front of them.

"LABOON!!!!" Brook shouts, as the giant Whale eye look down at the ship. In his vision he saw a skeleton man. He almost didn't recognize Brook, but he saw the Afro hair.

The Laboon starts to tear up and does a deep moan. Crocus walked out and see the two pirates. He smiled and saw Brook, and soon Brook Reunited To Laboon. Brook gave a piece of his dough to Usopp.

Usopp and Brook said their goodbye. and the merry sailed up the mountain.


On a sunny day, three boys where walking on the beach.

"You think Captain will come home?" Onion said.

"I Hope So..." Pepper said.

"You think he Forgotten about us?" Carrot Said.

"No he wouldn't!" Onion said.

"HEY GUYS LOOK AT THAT!" Pepper shouts, pointing a ship at a distance.

"Wait... you don't think." Carrot said.

They gasped loudly, and start running the other direction. they kept running faster and bring their hand front of their mouths.


All the villager pop their heads out of thier home windows. Some of their turn their head the three boys running.

"What Pirate?" One of them asked.

"Who pirate?" Another said.

"Where pirate?" Soon another.

"Why pirate?" More show up.


"A pirate? Here at Syrup village?, there hasn't even been a pirate attack?" An elder man said.

"Because this isn't no ordinary pirate." Onion said.

"This is Usopp!" Pepper shouts.

"Usopp? He Back?" The villagers start talking to each other.

"Where is he?" One of them said.

"Come on, we show you! Carrot get Miss Kaya right away." Pepper said, Carrot salute his hand ran towards the manor.

Kaya was writing down some medical notes, as she set her Glasses down. She strechted her back and arm outs, until she heard a loud boy shouting.

She turned her head, as she got and head to her window. She open up and see the Orange hair boy.

"Carrot, what are you doing here?" Kaya said.

"Miss Kaya, Usopp has Return!!" Carrot shouts.

Kaya frozed as she look at the boy, she blinked a couple of times. And soon bolting away from her room. She ran past Merry the butler, after doing cleaning confused by Kaya.

She ran out of the manor, as Carrot ran beside her.


Usopp dock the ship, and throwed down the Anchor. He set the ramp and grab his bag and hualed on his back.

"Man, it been awhile.... how long was I away?" Usopp sighs and walked down.

"Heh, maybe I should Start shouting the pirate are coming for all time sake." Usopp chuckled and start walking down.

He smiled and kept walking until he hear some rumbling. He had a confused look in his eye and look up to the sky.

There wasn't any cloud in the sky only clear blue and sun. He shrugged off and continued to walked. Till the rumbling, he asked himself what the noise is coming from. Until he saw a larged group of villagers coming straight for him.

"CRAP IS AN ANGRY MOB!" Usopp panicked, looking both ways. Figure a way out of this predicament. He was in a hopeless situation and stand his ground.

Till the villager ran toward him. Usopp closed his eye, and waiting for the beat down, as he was lifted from the ground. Except he heard cheers and chants.




Usopp raised one eye open and look down. As they carried him into the village.

"I thought you guys going hurt me?" Usopp asked.

"No! We would never, plus we got our liar back home." One of them said.

"Heeyyyy...." Usopp said.

"But a small Boy from our village become the greatest warrior. Who would've guess?" Another said.

"CAPTAIN!!!" Two boys shouts.

"Onion? Pepper? Why you guys grown so much." Usopp smiled as he dropped from being held, as the two boy tackled him but hugging him close.

"Man I hope you have stories of your adventures?" Onion said.

"And proof, we knew you always lied." Pepper said.

"Wha- hey I don't lie, they just happen  and of course i have pictures." Usopp said.

"Usopp..." a feminine sweet voice echoed.

Usopp head raised up, and saw the most beautiful woman, long blonde hair and Brown eyes.

"Kaya...." Usopp said as he got up. But Kaya ran towards him and tackled him to the ground.

Usopp was shocked as he look at her. Kaya smiles brightly and leans her head. She pressed her lips onto Usopp.

Usopp eyes widen, but use hold Kaya cheek and kissed her back.

"I am Home." Usopp smiles.

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