6. Royals

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WARNING; cursing

Tom told you to not treat him like royalty, but to treat him like friend. Or in his words..."Y/n, drop the royal shit, treat me as a friend. A bestfriend if you will."

When prince Tommy exits his room, he had on a red suit with white pants, a white undershirt, and a tie on. He put in his pocket a compass that said "Your Tubbo" just like how tubbo has a "Your Tommy" compass. I find that so cute.

Tommy them both gave us a bracelet "put your stuff in my room, and dont lose those breaclets there for tomorrow."

There was a comfortable silence amongst us three until Tubbo interruptthe silence..

"Tom, I have something for you" he pulled out a bee clip for your tie, with that Tommy put it on.

Now we all have some sort of bee on us, a little trio.

"Aww, Tuubbboooo, thankss" he said

First Gathering Time◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇

You found out, from Tommy, that other kingdom rulers are going to come first. Then the towns foke. And last, apparently, prisoners and guards. I wonder what their doing with the guards. But as for now... your with royalty you've never seen before. The Princes that mostly closed off from society, the end and nether rulers, and more overworld rulers. Tubbo gave you one that Philza made for you and disguised it as if it was for everyone.

(If that makes sense, sorry. Basically tomorrow is the one for the citizens.)

As we are walking down the hallway to get to the ball room, where all the Royals are, we see Prince Wilbur. Calm down Y/n, he probably wont talk to you, dont wor-

"Hello Tommy, Tubbo. And this is?" He question.

"Uh, I'm Y/n Prin-"

"Oh dear, please call me Will, or Wilber. You know Tom, so I know you."

Damn he end up interrupting ever-

"Now let's walk down" as he said that he gave me a yellow bracelet made from some of gold.

We ended up walking for a longer while then needed. Ending behind the thrones in the a storage room. I couldn't help but notice the glances from the servers, seeing them with questions and curiosity when I was walking with these people. It's a bit overwhelming, to say the least.

We hear chatter from the other side

"Tommy, Tubbo, Y/n." He grabs our attention "tonight at this time is very important to the king. Tommy please dont yell at anyone, tubbo keep ranboo and tommy with you, and Y/n you can stay with them... or go with me, you can meet other royals, the king, and still have good food. What do you choose."

Oh, didn't know I had to choose " Umm, I guess I'll chose----"


Ayo, author notes...

You can choose now. YaY...
I'll wait a few days to start on the next page for the votes to go in.

Ayo, are you seeing the views.👀
Anyways, thank you so much. By Ray.

Will you♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

Go with Tommy and tubbo. You'll meet ranboo, dream, sapnap, and George.

Go with Wilber and meet Technoblade, Philza, J'shlat, and quackity.

Both lead to questioning events
535 words.

Next page will be worked on at January 20th 2022... please comment on who you want to go with

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