5. firework

191 7 8

WARNING: slight cursing, mentions of knives and poison. Stealing

Before noon□■□■□■□■□■□■

"Oh dear" my voice became dry and raspy overnight. I get up and go down stairs. Heading to the washroom I tern on the water and wash/dry my face, brush my teeth and hair, and went to the kitchen. In there I tern on the furnace and plop a potato in it.

Just a snack should do befo-

Taking a rather quick, short, and slightly nervous look outside. You see fireworks in the castles direction... its soon. The feast is soon hell ya!

Putting your things besides your front door, thinking of how to hide your pocket knife. "They said there's guards at the front... if they find it idk what will happen."you figured.

"I can hide poison in a perfume bottle, that way if they ask to test it I can spray it on the floor. Perfect!" Happy as can be with now a form of self defense, even if you have your antlers and hooves. "Sometimes I forget I'm a deer hybrid...".

You haven't any need to pack food or worry about a place to stay. They already have that there. I reckon you dont need to worry...
Liking the situation to get you off of the news on your parents, you walk around to the yard of the house. It wasn't much, just nice rocks you maybe, possibly, most likely, kind of accident stole from your neighbors yard/garden/shop... they were nice what can you say.


You lay on your sofa. It was made of wool/bamboo. Your dad made it. Maybe he got it on his adventures. That explains why mom brought in exotic plants like allium, rose bushes, and this one's my favorite... the withered rose. We live near on a plains biome, surrounded by small mountains that people can clime with little problem.

The only flowers I see beyond the mountains are poppys/lilacs/peonys that are put there by civilizons. I never wondered. But I would need to sleep now.

*heading inside *

I go upstairs onto bed and wait for tomorrow. Tubbo said he'd get me, I'll count on him to wake me then.


Tomorrow because why not■●■●■●■●■


Awoken by loud repeating nocking coming from the front of the house startled you, to say the least, remembering that tubbo was here to wake you up and be with you at the ball. . .

Rushing down start just to open the door to see a well dressed Tubbo witha suit case full of his clothes.

"Y/n I'm sorry, you need to get ready fast... I'll help with the tie for now, one of my friends from another kingdom will attend and he can help you then."

"Yes Tubbo, you can wait on the sofa." I said while doing my hair before putting on my outfit in the bathroom. He helped me put on the tie correctly, a little out of place but still on I guess.

I come out of the bathroom, and he looks amazed. I look at him and smile knowing I'm bloody fucking gorgeous. He is staring at this point though so you decide to speak up.

"Tubbo, the time..."

He took a second to respond but when he did "Y/n, you look stunning but let's go. Ya" he grabbed my wrist and led me out. Letting me at least lock the door before sprinting toward the castle.

"Aren't we early "

"They will let us in, trust me Y/n. And I told you we would talk to a prince "

We didn't go to the entrance. Instead we went through the garden where tubbo exposed a patch of cornflowers. Moving them aside reveal a hatch big enough to fit 1 person at a time.

He was going in but I stopped him.

"Tubbs, I'm good for chaotic work and love a little mischief... but isn't this a bit to much, we are sneaking in a castle. "

"We're fine doing this. Who do you think made this Y/n. It was Philza, the Philza Minecraft. "

(° . °)Y/ns face right now

"I'll explain, I'm friends with Tommy ok. I know this family on a personal level, I want you to have that friendship to. You like exploring so I thought you might want to come on some quest one day but for that you need to know the royals. That was a brief explanation and I can go into detail later, I know the guards they wont stop us ."

You just followed him, you were a tad bit overwhelmed but at the same point grateful that we aren't intruding. We are in the castle now.

"Excuse us, (random name) may you tell everyone to spread word that my friend Y/n is here with me. "

"No problem Tubbo, hello Y/n. Nice to meet you, the palace will be informed of your presence "

The lady that works here said and walked off. It was kind of weird that she talked in such a way, it seemed fake. Hope shes ok.

I walk behind tubbo, we pass by a section. It had 5 doors on each side spread apart evenly, it seemed to be music themed, indicating that is the windows on some doors mimicking the shape of music notes or instruments like the guitar or violin. The next section is of 4 doors on each side. It looks like disc in the windows. Or a sword and more. It doesn't seem to have a set pattern, that makes it unique.

Tubbo knocks on a door and says, "TOMMYINNIT, TUBBO IS HERE AND SOMEONE ELSE IS TO. OPEN UP OR IM BARGING IN. " to that the door went flying open revealing Prince Tommy on the other side.

"Tubbo, what the hell is wrong with you. It doesn't start till a couple of hours, like 3 more left."

"I was excited to bring Y/n here so you can know them before the gathering, is Ramboo coming early to."

"No, he is coming on time and will most likely make a big entrance like last time. "

"Tom last time was hilarious, Y/n you have to here this come in."

He brought me in and I sat an a bean bag, I couldn't help but notice Tommy's eyes on me ,I ignored him to the best of my extent.

"So last time we were all together, no gathering or town foke, he brought corse fruit and we were teleporting every where in the castle until we felt to sick."

"Although, ranboo can teleport himself , and he teleported in and flipped Technoblades cloak over his head. It was hilarious Y/n."

"Oh Tom remember when we had extra corse fruit and we put it as a side dish In will's food. That was funny."

"Well you two i wish to meet this man."

Someone knocked at the door. "Prince Tommy, preperation are starting. There is an outfit in the far left side of your closet for today. Please get ready and be down in a bit. Your friends may stay or go with you, your family doesn't have a problem with them."

"Ya, Ya, I'll be down in a bit sir."

Exiting the room so he can change, tubbo gives me a hair clip of a bee and puts one on himself. It seems like he has a stack of them.



You have so many questions

Authors note

Hello, hope yall doing good. See you
By Ray... 1252 words

Direful Is DISCONTINUED (Yandere Dsmp x GN!Reader) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz