4. the day

182 7 5

At dawn

You wake up from your bed after the tragic news of yesterday. you really don't know what to think, what to say. It all happened so, fast so unexpectedly, now you have to pack for a ball that you don't know if you want to attend... and for ten day for that fact.

"The news could have possibly thought you're so fast" you contradicted. How would they even know where you lived, did they ask someone. Who told, who around me knows. Tubbo lives near the front and Niki doesn't know. Is it one of my other friends, Abby or Jose."it can't be, I haven't spoken to them for days now... they have to much work." And it cant be the guards, I don't even talk to them.

Do I know who puffy is. That wouldn't even make sense. Who was the old captain and who is old crew. Nothing is making too much sense anymore, first it was meeting two unexpected people( that I hoped becomes friends )with, the news and the rumors about the palace having a gathering, then the Scrolls and my parents... I don't know what to do.

I don't even have much time to think about all this stuff because I have to pack. I've decided that I'm going I don't know why. Even if I have this gut feeling i shouldn't attend. I just feel like I should relax, let my senses just go with the flow a little bit, agree to disagree.

For ten days. That's what the scroll said if you get picked to be a "friend"... what responsibilities would even come if you're friends with the Royals. But we have to keep it a secret or would be outed.

All this thinking and it's around the middle of morning and noon. That's something expected I guess.

The knock at the door interrupted your thoughts

"I'M COMEING!" Shouted out by none other than me, silently hoping that this is not another scroll. "I'll WAIT TAKE YOUR TIME." A pretty cheery voice said on the other side of the door. Thank the stars, it's a person.

Opening the door and seeing Tubbo rush in and shut the door from my hands. Seeing him do this was suprising since I've known him for such little time

" why hello Y/n, it's been a day or so since we've spok- OH DEAR, You look like you haven't slept in days, are you okay.."

" I'm okay. But what are you doing here so unexpectedly and in such a rush so excited for."

"Oh.. ummm... oh ya, I've came here to talk about what's happening in the castle. There is going to be food there, and a ball, and well talk with one of the princes, and we can have a sleepover the day before and -" I cut him of next saying

"Tubbo,there is no way we will be able to talk with the Prince... there's a way that we could have a sleepover in the castle but there's no way we could tell if we're actually going to talk to one of the princes."

"Y/n, you'll see. You'll soon be eating your own words"

"What do you m-"

"OK AND Now we pack, I've brought my stuff so we could match. If you want to we can go shopping and buy stuff, I've gotten a fair bit of gold and iron to pay with." He interrupted me, put the topic aside. I'll just ask him later.

" may you show me to your room so that we could pick together or do you wanna shop"

" show me what you've packed and I'll bring matching stuff."

He has seven shirts, seven pants, overalls, a suit and a tie, some trinkets like Flowers/bee pins and clips , and a compass that says Your Tommy.

Outfit that go/match with the pic below ◇

Outfit that go/match with the pic below ◇

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Image found the image on google

He quickly hid the compass from me after I saw it.

"What was the compass for" I said curiously.

"Oh it's really nothing " he said noticeably

Ok, I'll get my stuff

You have gotten 8 shirts, 7 pants, a suit and tie, and trinkets like frogs/plants pins and clips, A belt and overalls.

Inspired by the image below ◇

Inspired by the image below ◇

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Imagine found on Google. You can change it if you want.

"Y/n, this looks so good. I actually brought you a matching tie though. Can you wear it to the ball."

"Sure, why not"

The image is also found off of Google, you can change if you want.

The image is also found off of Google, you can change if you want

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"Aww, Tubbo~
This is so cute. Where did you get these."

"Uhh. I'll tell you later. I need to get going "



He left near when it was becoming night.
I didn't fully understand, I guess I'll ask him this later to.

Author notes
Hello again.
I hope yall are doing ok.
See you soon by Ray... 825 words

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