30. liz forbes' letters

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Damon's plan to get Lily to turn Stefan's humanity on worked, now they had to deal with Caroline. Before, Aurora was all for leaving her alone, but ever since she used her as a human shield, Aurora was pissed and wanted to see Caroline suffer for awhile. She and Elena traded shifts with Jo and Alaric, Elena kept telling her she didn't have to go, worried about her since her incident with her sister, but Aurora assured she was fine, and had plenty to say to Caroline

"Knock, knock" Elena called out, "Elena" Aurora heard Caroline say from her end of the door, "And Aurora" she called, "Hi, Caroline" she sneered, "Let me guess, humanity police was your idea? Is it because I stabbed you?" Caroline asked, Aurora opened the latch, "See, I was fine with leaving you alone, but now you're just a pain in the ass" she snapped at her sister, who rolled her eyes back.

"We really want you back, Caroline" Elena told her, "Remember that time Jeremy died and you turned off your humanity and tried to kill the prom queen, a.k.a your best friend Bonnie?" Caroline questioned her, "I forget Stefan, was that before or after she killed some waitress for no reason?" she turned to the other vampire in the room. "I think it was after" Stefan replied, Caroline chuckled, "You see, Stefan and I are just finding it a little ironic that you think you're qualified to tell us how to deal with the death of a loved one"

"Elena, don't talk to her, she's just trying to get into your head" Aurora told her, "No, I'm not. I'm just telling the truth" Caroline replied, "Hey, I heard they left your boyfriend behind in 1903. Did Elena tell you how to feel?" she asked her sister, "Go to hell, Caroline. I'm not talking to you" Aurora snapped, Caroline chuckled again, "Did you, Elena?" she turned to the other brunette, "Because that seems to be what you're good at, telling others how to feel"

"I'm not here to preach to you, Caroline" Elena replied, "I just came to show you this" she held up the letter that Liz Forbes wrote to Caroline, Aurora already read the one that her mother left for her, sometimes Aurora wished she didn't, because it only caused so much more pain. "This letter from your Mom arrived at our dorm just a few days after her funeral. Apparently, there was something she wanted to tell you" Elena informed her.

Caroline's eyes flickered between the letter and the two girls behind the bar, humanity showing, her sights landing on Aurora, as that inch of humanity flickers away, "What? Rory didn't get one?" she fake pouts, "No, Caroline, I did. I got my own letter. And I think you should read yours" she told her sister. She didn't know what was in Caroline's letter, but she knows that the real Caroline would hate herself if she never read it.

Stefan grabbed the letter and handed it to Caroline, "Does this look real to you?" he asked her, Caroline grabbed and examined the letter, "Her impeccably perfect handwriting? Yup" she states, "Yeah, I remember when she taught us how to write our names in cursive" she adds, looking up at her sister for a brief moment, another flicker of her humanity showing, but it disappeared as quickly as it appeared.

"So what? Am I supposed to read this and snap back to the sad, pathetic, motherless Caroline?" she says to the girls on the other side of the bars, "No" Aurora shakes her head, "You just read it, see what Mom said to you, because this Caroline at the moment, is just an act, a shell of the person you actually are. Deep down, you do want to read it" she says to her sister softly, Caroline smirks, turns to Stefan after looking at Aurora, "Burn it"

"What?" Stefan said, "Did I say stand there and look stupid? No. I said burn it" Caroline repeats herself, "Caroline, no" Aurora brings her hands around the bars of the room, peering into the room, as Caroline holds the letter out towards Stefan, "Well, maybe I should read it first" Stefan suggest, so Caroline doesn't go through and burn the letter her mother left behind.

"Why do you care?" Caroline scoffed, "I mean, what happens if you get your humanity back and you hate me for destroying the last thing your Mom wanted to say to you?" Stefan defends, hoping that Caroline doesn't catch onto the fact his humanity is intact. "Did those words seriously just come out of your mouth? God" she scoffed again, walking past Stefan to the table where a box of matches sat. She lit one and held it up towards Stefan, "Burn it, now"

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