25. no good at goodbyes

Start from the beginning

Aurora felt she had grown up fast, she was only 15 when the Salvatore's came into town, Damon started dating her sister, Stefan and Elena dated, then before she knew it, she discovered her supernatural history, her sister was a vampire and Original unkillable vampires exist. Oh! And these Traveller witches and actual immortal beings who can't be killed.

With all that in her life, Aurora had to adapt and grow up quickly, she had to learn how to defend herself, and thanks to karate lessons as a kid, and some help from Alaric and Bonnie, she was able to defend herself physically and mentally. Bonnie helped her keep her siphoning in check, and how to use it to her advantage if she's ever cornered by a vampire or werewolf and needs an escape plan.

"Good. You're here" Damon's voice spoke, breaking Aurora's attention off her book and up towards him where he stood grinning down at her. She huffs and goes to leave but he blocks her way, "Ah ah ah" Damon shakes his head, "Sit" he ordered, pointing back to her seat. She was in no mood to get lectured by him, and she couldn't escape from him. The Grill was full of people and she couldn't expose the supernatural secret to them, so she complied and sat down, Damon sat across from her in the booth.

"What do you want?" Aurora asked him, she felt like she was a kid getting in trouble, like she was back in elementary school in the principal's office after she punched a kid once for making fun of her bushy hair. After that day, she kept her head down and away from everyone, which led to the likes of Kimberley Fell making fun of her, knowing Aurora wouldn't fight back or she'd be the one in the trouble meanwhile Kimberley gets off scott free.

"I wanna talk" Damon states, folding his hands on the table in front of him, a lot like her old principal did when he was about to scold her and state there was a no violence tolerance at their school. Aurora was getting a sense of déjà vu. "Why are you here? In town, shouldn't you be with Elena?" Aurora narrows her eyes at him, "I was helping your Mom, closing some cases, and I came here for a drink before I went back to her, and here I see you through the window, and thought why not" he replied, grinning.

"You're an epic dick, what do you want?" she snapped, she didn't want him to play all friendly to then snap and scold her like she's a child and can't make her old decisions. "Woah" he raises his hands up in defense, "Why so hostile?" he questions, Aurora rolled her eyes, "I'm not, I just don't wanna talk to you" she replied, Damon scoffs, "Why not. We used to talk all the time" he states, "If you're gonna yell at me like some Dad, get it over with" she snapped, fed up with his nice act. She knows the act, the person plays nice, pretending to be your friend to throw you off, then boom, all the scolding comes into play.

"Caught me" Damon smirked, "He's not a good guy, Aurora" he states, she sighs and rolls her eyes, she knew Kai wasn't a good guy, that he's killed people, and isn't a good person, but all of her friends have gone dark at least once in their lives, some more than others. Taking innocent lives, manipulating people around them, putting on a fake facade, she's seen it all before. She knows Kai isn't like them, he likes the way he is, he likes being the bad guy, but Aurora has always been like a guy with a sense of danger. She dated Enzo for God's sake, and he attempted to kill Damon, her best friend, loads of times.

"I know" she replies, blandly, "Then why are you always sticking up for him? Defending him? He killed Luke, though I don't think you even like him, but–" he starts, "I liked Luke. We just didn't see eye to eye most of the time because of you guys using him and Liv like monkeys" she cuts him off, "Right, he killed Luke, tried to kill Liv, your bestie, or ex bestie now. He tried to kill Jo and he kidnapped Elena" Damon lists, "You're telling me this stuff as if I don't know what he's done? I was trapped longer with him than you and Bonnie, it was a few days for you. For me? It was weeks. I know what he's capable of" she snaps.

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