Honest conversation

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Once you finish your laughing, provided by Gregory's comment and Freddy's reaction, you wipe the tears out of your eyes. "Don't worry, once all of this is over I'll help with you libido problem." You whisper, getting very close to the taller male. The robot furrows his brows, trying to hide his embarrassment and sexual excitement. "Let's not talk about these matters in a child's presence" the bulky robot, whispers back, in your direction. You snicker, teasing the taller male some more. 

The three of you finally arrive to parts and service, successfully: avoiding Freddy's fellow band members, hiding from security bots, talking quietly and so on. Freddy, quite tired, gently places Gregory on the floor in front of him. 

"I apologize Gregory, but I must charge." Freddy states, visibly fatigued. The boy pouted, eyebrows furrowed, fear covering his face. Freddy chuckles, patting the child on the head. "Do not worry Gregory, (Y/N) will stay with you and protect you." He smiles gently. The animatronic enters his charging tube, closing the door behind him. The kid instantly begins to shake, scared by the lack of Freddy's presence. You place a hand on Gregory's shoulder, causing him to jump. "You want to sit in the chairs next to Freddy's recharge station, just in case?" you question gently, trying to calm the child's nerves. He stared at the floor beneath his feet, as he nodded slowly. 

The two of you sit in the empty seats, located near the robot's charging tube. Gregory sits down quietly, still avoiding eye contact. You start to lower to yourself, only to groan in pain, touching your injuries. The pain you felt was a lot worse, now that the adrenalin from your fear and arousal died down. The child takes notice and glances at you "Are you okay? Do you need help miss?" You snicker to yourself "Miss? You can call me (Y/N), you know. I'm not that old." You laugh, to then hold you side in pain.

You finally manage to take a seat in the chair, with the assistance of the boy, who giggled when you laughed. "Hey, Gregory right? Why are you even helping Freddy in the first place?" you ask curiously. The child, fiddles with his thumbs, once again avoiding eye contact. "Uhm, I don't really have a home and I heard weird things were happening here, so I was kind of interested." The new information surprised you "A homeless child?" you thought to yourself. "Is that why you're helping Freddy?" You interrogate the kid. 

"Yes, Freddy was the only member here that treated me nicely. So I wanted to help him! I did so many tasks!" Gregory smiled wide, some teeth missing. You smiled back, the kid started to grow on you. "Wow, you're so brave!" you cheer, validating the child's accomplishments, giving him an encouraging high five. The child giggled, now distracted from his initial fear.

"What do you wanna be when you're older Gregory?" you ask, somewhat curious. "I want to be like Freddy!" he claims, happily. You start to laugh, confusing the child. "Oh! I'm not laughing at you Gregory, you just remind me of my younger self" you state, reassuring the kid. 

"You wanted to be like Freddy?" he askes, tilting his head. "Nah, I wanted to become anything that had to do with Freddy" You smile, reminiscing on your past obsession with the animatronic. "Do you like Freddy?" The child questions, smiling. "Yeah, he's pretty cool" You state, kind of embarrassed. "Are you his girlfriend?" Gregory smirks, swinging his feet under his seat. You laugh gently, glancing at the charging station. "Maybe, that depends what the Superstar Freddy thinks." You state, smiling sweetly. 

"Why do you like him?" Gregory questions. "Since the fist time I saw his performance, he has always put a smile on my face. He's sweet, gentile, warm and deeply cares for the people around him. Even though he lacks experience, he's a natural charmer and when he-" You cut your sentence short, not wanting to inform the child of the vulgar acts that happened previously. A light red decorated your cheeks, as you took a peek at the tube Freddy was currently in. 

Gregory didn't even seem that interested. "You must really like him then (Y/N)" he claims, now distracted by his light up shoes. "Yeah, I actually really do" you giggle softly, glancing at Freddy through the glass. 

The robot finally exits his charging station, closing and opening his fist. "Much better!" he claims, proud. Gregory cheers, grabbing onto your arm in excitement. "Softly now" you chuckle, still in pain. "Gregory, what is it that you found for us to use?" Freddy asks, placing a hand on the smaller boy's back. "Oh, I found a kill code in the room that says Vanny on the wall." He gleamed, handing the animatronic a usb driver. Freddy remained quiet, worried about the room Gregory found the kill code in. "Alright! Thanks Gregory, can you go towards the computer and plug it in for me?" Freddy asked. Gregory smiled, running to the computer happily. 

Freddy leaned towards your ear, snaking an arm around your hip. "So? I'm sweet, gentile, warm, caring-" You cut his sentence short, by covering your face and letting out a little "eep", wanting to die. The robot smirked "you must really like me" he teased. "You could hear me?" you complain, still covering your deep red face. "Yes, I didn't think you would speak such sweet words" he smiled, giving your hip a light squeeze. "Well, these thoughts have always been on my mind." You speak quietly, trying to make eye contact with the giant. 

"When am I going to teach you the rest?" You question the robot about what previously happened, trying to fluster him. Freddy blushed, frowning, trying to hide his embarrassment. "Maybe later" the animatronic claimed, nervous. "Freddy! I did it!" Gregory called from the other side of the room, waving a hand. "Oh, yes coming, young Gregory!" the robot declared, approaching the child.      

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