Chapter Twenty-Two

Start from the beginning

(Name) was certainly a quizzical creature. Nearly every colleague of mine she had come in contact with so far, she had managed to cast some sort of pull on, even myself. 

I had arrived at the cabin much before any of the chaos broke out, but upon hearing her try and talk him down like a psychology major would, I decided to listen in.

She had been able to empathize with Jeff's emotions toward her without even knowing the extent of them and utilize it for her own gain. Dealing with Jeff wasn't an easy feat for anybody, but she had made quick and easy work of the clueless man. I listened from the doorframe, her hushed whispers only loud enough for Jeff and her to hear, or so she thought.

"I would do anything for you, would you do anything for me?"

How quickly she had turned his infatuation into a plan for escape was impressive. She had laced her words with silk and honey, battering Jeff's eardrums with promises she had never intended on keeping, promises she didn't even mean. Quite the seductress, able to wrap unsuspecting men around her fingers only to uncoil them when she no longer had use for them. 

Yet, she had never spoken to me with honey-laced words. She had never whispered meaningless promises into my ear. She cursed at me, spoke disrespectfully to me, and occasionally, completely disregarded my orders.

Yet next to Jeff and Toby, there I was; just as wrapped as they were. I should have transferred that money by now. I should have been already embraced in the warm arms of freedom, unshackled from my tightly-controlled life, free to do as I pleased. Yet, here I stood just behind the door that held her here, combing my hands through my hair, silently sinking to the floor.

If I called Tim and Brian and told them about what had happened, confided in them the truth about Neil and the curiosities of this girl, perhaps they'd know why this was happening.

But then again, their thoughts were not safe. Even if they wanted to hide the truth about Neil from Slenderman, eventually, he would know, and we would all be held accountable for hiding such an important piece of information.

I stood, shaking off the engrossing thoughts that lingered in every crevice and corner of my brain. She had brought forth a quality I had actively tried to rid myself of all those years ago. Nobody had showed me even a glimpse of it when I needed it most, and due to that, I decided that I would completely rid it of my being. Yet here I was, pacing silently in front of (Name)'s prison, feeling it in it's full force; humanity.

I found myself worshipping the door between us; it kept her away from me, preventing her from bringing up any other deep-rooted feelings so effortlessly.

But I knew that the exact moment my lips had touched her own that whatever goodness and purity she was absolutely infected with had planted it's seed in my own being; curse you, (Name).

However, there were more important things to square away than cursing (Name). She still hadn't eaten in a dangerously long amount of time, and I still hadn't been able to acquire any food for the girl. I highly doubted that sitting a kidney covered in bodily mucus and stringy veins upon a plate and serving it to her would go over well; I needed human food to give the wretched creature.

Abruptly, an idea somehow snuck it's way into the jumble of thoughts that composed my brain at the moment; well, less an idea and more an experiment.

--Tim POV--

 Brian and I had decided, against our better judgement, that we should remove the body from the crime scene. If we could make it appear as if Neil had been involved in the disappearance of (Name), it would throw his fellow officers for a wild goose chase trying to find him and her together rather than two separate cases; not like either of them would be found regardless.

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